BLK positively regulates IL-1β–, LPS-, but not TNFα-induced inflammatory responses. (A) Effects of BLK on IL-1β– and LPS-induced transcription of downstream genes. HEK293-TLR4 cells (2 × 105) were transfected with BLK expression plasmids for 24 h. Cells were then left untreated or treated with IL-1β (20 ng/ml) or LPS (100 ng/ml) for 3 h before qPCR analysis. (B) Effects of BLK deficiency on TNFα-induced phosphorylation of p65 and IκBα. BLK-deficient and control Jurkat cells (2 × 105; BLK-KO #1 plasmids were used) were left untreated or treated with TNFα (20 ng/ml) for the indicated times before immunoblot analysis. KO, knockout. (C) Effects of BLK knockdown on TNFα- and IL-1β–induced transcription of downstream genes. U87MG cells (2 × 105) were transfected with the indicated siRNA (final concentration, 40 nM). 48 h later, cells were left untreated or treated with TNFα (20 ng/ml) or IL-1β (20 ng/ml) for 3 h before qPCR analysis. Graphs show mean ± SD (n = 3 technical replicates in A and C) from one representative experiment. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 (unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t test). Data are representative of three independent experiments with similar results. Source data are available for this figure: SourceData FS1.