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. 2023 Dec 11;5(6):dlad131. doi: 10.1093/jacamr/dlad131

Table 2.

Total number of patients, and proportion of patients receiving antibiotics for Periods 1, 2 and 3 in intervention and control GPC

GPC 1 GPC 2 GPC 3a Intervention Control
N % N % N % N % N %
acute upper RTI
Period 1 427 13.35 963 39.67 339 23.89 1729 30.08 1005 15.52
Period 2 467 7.92b 1057 39.74 / / 1524 29.99 1020 16.96
Period 3 428 10.05 1044 25.29b,c 295 17.97b 1767 20.38b,c 1454 18.29
Period 1 59 32.20 203 57.14 71 70.42 333 55.55 181 37.57
Period 2 77 45.45 205 52.68 / / 282 50.71 167 38.32
Period 3 55 38.18 186 49.46 53 60.38 294 49.32 181 35.36
Period 1 79 70.89 244 87.30 65 84.62 388 83.51 191 68.06
Period 2 77 77.92 249 89.96 / / 326 87.12 221 75.11
Period 3 103 53.40b,c 213 75.12 b,c 122 86.07 438 73.06b,c 367 77.66
Period 1 60 60.00 257 82.10 88 82.95 405 79.01 142 58.45
Period 2 56 53.57 188 75.53 / / 244 70.49b 156 68.59
Period 3 57 56.14 159 66.67 b,c 67 71.64 283 65.73b 179 55.31c
Period 1 10 60.00 71 70.42 5 80.00 86 69.77 31 83.87
Period 2 7 100.00 46 84.78 / / 53 86.79 23 95.65
Period 3 15 93.33 62 74.19 26 92.31 103 81.55 53 83.02
acute otitis media
Period 1 29 41.38 289 71.63 23 69.57 341 68.92 170 47.65
Period 2 101 52.48 278 69.42 / / 379 64.91 244 50.00
Period 3 92 47.83 318 58.81 b,c 99 71.72 509 59.34b 373 56.30
All RTIs Period 1 664 28.01 2027 58.16 591 47.21 3282 50.09 1720 31.63
Period 2 785 28.28 2023 55.66 / / 2808 48.01 1831 35.72
Period 3 750 27.87 1982 43.14b,c 662 50.30 3394 41.16b,c 2607 37.13

Period 1 = September 2017—February 2018; Period 2 = September 2018—February 2019; Period 3 = September 2019—February 2020 = intervention period.

Bold: specific focus on this indication per GPC.

aNo data were available from January 2018 until February 2019. Percentages were calculated from data between September 2017 and December 2017 for Period 1 and from data between September 2019 and December 2019 for Period 3. Percentages could not be calculated for Period 2 due to missing data.

bSignificantly lower percentage of antibiotics prescribed compared with Period 1 at a 5% significance level.

cSignificantly lower percentage of antibiotics prescribed compared with Period 2 at a 5% significance level.