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. 2023 Dec 11;5(6):dlad131. doi: 10.1093/jacamr/dlad131

Table 5.

Strengths and barriers of the pivotal factors of PAR learned during the BAbAR project to improve antibiotic prescribing behaviour during OOH primary care

Pivotal factors
1. Participation Strengths In 2 out of 3 GPCs, the project was bottom-up initiated by local GPs
Participants were engaged early in the process
Participation of stakeholders was voluntary
Barriers In 1 of the 3 GPCs, the study was initiated by the study team, so there were limited local key persons
Only committed GPs participated in the exploratory, co-creation and evaluation phase
Level of participation, ownership of the project and motivation for change differed between the different GPCs
2. Key persons Strengths Great involvement and commitment of a number of key persons
Were considered as co-researchers, and involved in every stage of the research
Provided understanding of the context
Barriers Limited number of key persons
Requires a great commitment
3. Action researcher–participant relationship Strengths Insider-outsider role of the main researcher increases credibility
Positive relationship between researcher and key persons
Barriers Varying levels of commitment between the different GPCs and/or GPs
4. Real-world focus Strengths The exploratory phase of this project analysed in depth the context
Use of quality indicators to describe and identify the current state
Material adapted for target population (e.g. leaflet in multiple languages)
Materials containing solutions for difficulties experienced by GPs during the consultation (e.g. safety-netting, explaining duration of infection, leaflet to provide instead of a prescription…)
Cross-pollination of ideas and solutions over the different GPCs
Barriers Time-consuming due to mixed-methods approach
The sudden onset of COVID-19 stopped the project
Practical problems (e.g. availability of materials, busy shifts)
5. Resources Strengths Budget raised by both the GPC and the academic partner
Barriers Limited budget
Time-consuming project
6.Research methods Strengths Mixed-methods approach to gain a rich description
Exploring the problem could be considered as an intervention already by exposing the problem
Barriers Data processing takes time
7. Project process and management
Responsiveness and flexibility Strengths Rapid and flexible feedback and adjustments
Barriers Limited PDSA cycles
Feedback mechanisms Strengths Access and automatic extraction of data from the EHR
Use of standardized quality indicators
Barriers Manually processing the data to provide tailored feedback
Possible errors in the data due to registration faults
Evaluation Strengths During and after implementation phase
Mixed methods
Barriers Difficult evaluation of outcomes because of large group of different GPs (limited contact with the intervention) and shorter study period than foreseen
8. Knowledge Strengths Contribution to knowledge at GP level, but moreover contribution to knowledge at the level of using PAR in this context