FIG. 5.
Agarose gel electrophoresis of RT-PCR products amplified from TW3 grown on 4-nitrotoluene and toluene. The sizes of molecular size markers in lanes S (1-kb ladder; Gibco BRL) are indicated by arrows (3,054, 2,036, 1,636, 1,018, 506/517, and 396 bp). Lanes: 1, ntnC, nitrotoluene-grown cells (expected size, 1,531 bp); 2, ntnC, nitrotoluene-grown cells cut with BamHI (819 and 714 bp); 3, ntnC, toluene-grown cells (1,531 bp); 4, ntnC, toluene-grown cells cut with BamHI (819 and 714 bp); 5, ntnM, nitrotoluene-grown cells (1,291 bp); 6, ntnM, nitrotoluene-grown cells cut with NcoI (692 and 598 bp); 7, ntnM, toluene-grown cells (1,291 bp); 8, ntnM, toluene-grown cells cut with NcoI (692 and 598 bp); 9, ntnA, nitrotoluene-grown cells (1,265 bp); 10, ntnA, nitrotoluene-grown cells cut with BglII (862 and 402 bp); 11, ntnA, toluene-grown cells (1,265 bp); 12, ntnA, toluene-grown cells cut with BglII (862 and 402 bp). No detectable products were obtained in control reactions, with each pair of primers, from which reverse transcriptase had been omitted or in reactions carried out on succinate-grown cells (data not shown).