Animals BK26 (n=3 experiments) and BK33 (n=1 experiment) participated only in distance sessions, while BK45 (n=3 experiments) participated only in a time session, and BK35 (n=3 experiments), BK41 (n=4 experiments) and BK49 (n=4 experiments) participated in both types of sessions. All distributions show a significant dependency on the session type (χ2(1)>12, p<<0.001 for BK35,BK49,BK45,BK33 and χ2(1)=5.7, p<0.02 for BK26 by Pearson's chi-squared test using two categories.), except for animal BK41 (χ2(1)=2.38, p=0.12). The bars represent the percentage of the respective cell type from the entire population of cells in the respective session. The numbers inside the bars represent the number of cells. For the single session animals, the reference distribution used for the χ2 test was taken from the entire population distribution (55% Distance Cells and 45% Time Cells).