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. 2023 Dec 4;8(6):1140–1149. doi: 10.1089/can.2022.0029

Table 1.

Participant Characteristics Overall and Across Never Users, Former (Ever But Not Past 6 Months) Users, and Current (Past 6 Months) Cannabidiol Users

Variables Overall, N=2464 (100.0%)
Never use,a N=1198 (48.6%)
Former use, N=477 (19.4%)
Current use, N=789 (32.0%)
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
MSA         <0.001
 Atlanta metro area 382 (15.5) 207 (17.3) 67 (14.1) 108 (13.7)  
 Boston metro area 326 (13.2) 175 (14.5) 63 (13.2) 89 (11.3)  
 Minneapolis metro area 343 (13.9) 154 (15.5) 74 (15.5) 114 (14.6)  
 Oklahoma City metro area 153 (6.2) 83 (6.9) 25 (5.2) 45 (5.7)  
 San Diego metro area 365 (14.8) 170 (14.2) 66 (13.8) 129 (16.4)  
 Seattle metro area 312 (12.7) 125 (10.4) 53 (11.1) 134 (17.0)  
 Otherb 583 (23.7) 285 (23.8) 129 (27.0) 169 (21.4)  
Age (mean, SD) 24.67 (4.69) 24.28 (4.67) 24.51 (4.57) 25.35 (4.71) <0.001
Femalec 1374 (57.4) 618 (52.8) 281 (61.0) 475 (62.3) <0.001
Sexual minority 766 (31.1) 312 (26.0) 174 (36.5) 280 (35.5) <0.001
Race         <0.001
 White 1756 (71.3) 809 (67.5) 363 (76.1) 584 (74.0)  
 Black 133 (5.4) 77 (6.4) 17 (3.6) 39 (4.9)  
 Asian 315 (12.8) 206 (17.2) 44 (9.2) 65 (8.2)  
 Other 260 (10.6) 106 (8.9) 53 (11.1) 101 (12.8)  
Hispanic 272 (11.0) 145 (12.1) 39 (8.2) 88 (11.2) 0.068
Education ≥Bachelor's degree 1860 (75.5) 936 (78.1) 356 (74.6) 568 (72.0) 0.007
CBD-related characteristics          
I am familiar with CBD, mean (SD)d 4.74 (1.76) 3.87 (1.68) 5.18 (1.50) 5.79 (1.31) <0.001
How first learned about CBDe          
 From friends/family members 1451 (58.9) 637 (53.2) 318 (66.7) 496 (62.9) <0.001
 Products/ads at retail stores 897 (36.4) 486 (40.6) 171 (35.9) 240 (30.4) <0.001
 Content/ads online 858 (34.8) 451 (37.6) 150 (31.5) 257 (32.6) 0.015
 Exposure to CBD stores 678 (27.5) 347 (29.0) 122 (25.6) 209 (26.5) 0.276
 Social media postings 659 (26.7) 329 (27.5) 118 (24.7) 212 (26.9) 0.522
 TV 261 (10.6) 143 (11.9) 47 (9.9) 71 (9.0) 0.096
 Fliers, ads, and promotions in print media 235 (9.5) 117 (9.8) 49 (10.3) 69 (8.8) 0.623
 Radio 160 (6.5) 95 (7.9) 24 (5.0) 41 (5.2) 0.019
 Health care provider 152 (6.2) 52 (4.3) 22 (4.6) 78 (9.9) <0.001
 Other 191 (7.8) 65 (5.4) 41 (8.6) 85 (10.8) <0.001
 Never heard of CBD 52 (2.1) 52 (4.3) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) n/a
CBD use intentions (next year), mean (SD)d          
 Any CBD product 3.17 (2.18) 1.99 (1.46) 2.83 (1.78) 5.17 (1.88) <0.001
 Edible product (e.g., gummies, candies) 3.09 (2.14) 2.13 (1.63) 2.94 (1.95) 4.64 (2.06) <0.001
 Lotions, creams, or balms 3.08 (2.15) 2.18 (1.71) 2.99 (1.98) 4.51 (2.10) <0.001
 Oil extracts 2.52 (1.94) 1.75 (1.35) 2.26 (3.86) 3.86 (2.15) <0.001
 Capsules or pills 2.43 (1.94) 1.75 (1.38) 2.20 (1.70) 3.59 (2.24) <0.001
 Beverages 2.33 (1.86) 1.64 (1.28) 1.63 (1.63) 3.47 (2.19) <0.001
 CBD in a vaporizer or vape pen 2.23 (1.85) 1.55 (1.22) 2.13 (1.70) 3.31 (2.19) <0.001
Knowledge of CBD regulation, mean (SD) 1.14 (1.26) 1.03 (1.25) 1.19 (1.27) 1.26 (1.27) <0.001
Perceptions of CBD, mean (SD)d          
Perceived risk 2.32 (1.48) 2.79 (1.63) 1.99 (1.19) 1.82 (1.13) <0.001
 Perceived addictiveness 2.34 (1.64) 2.77 (1.79) 2.02 (1.41) 1.90 (1.35) <0.001
 Perceived harmfulness to health 2.30 (1.62) 2.82 (1.79) 1.95 (1.29) 1.73 (1.23) <0.001
Perceived social acceptability 5.87 (1.62) 5.32 (1.87) 6.27 (1.24) 6.47 (1.03) <0.001
CBD is effective in:          
 Relieving pain 4.60 (1.68) 4.19 (1.67) 4.59 (1.67) 5.23 (1.50) 0.002
 Reducing anxiety 4.53 (1.68) 4.13 (1.63) 4.48 (1.71) 5.16 (1.50) 0.005
 Helping people sleep 4.56 (1.69) 4.11 (1.65) 4.54 (1.68) 5.25 (1.52) 0.017
 Therapy for epilepsy/seizures 4.59 (1.78) 4.15 (1.76) 4.66 (1.78) 5.21 (1.61) 0.008
Overall index score (average of above 4 items) 4.57 (1.54) 4.15 (1.55) 4.57 (1.53) 5.21 (1.29) <0.001
Perceived difficulty accessing CBD, mean (SD)f 1.62 (0.97) 1.85 (1.07) 1.47 (0.89) 1.35 (0.74) <0.001

Notes: p-values reflect omnibus tests of differences across three subgroups (i.e., never, former, current users).


n=73 “do not know” to “Have you ever used CBD?” were recoded as “never users.”


Moved since baseline.


n=69 chose “other.”


Scale of 1=not at all to 7=extremely.


Check all that apply.


1=very easy to 5=very difficult; n=13 “prefer not to answer” (excluded).

CBD, cannabidiol; MSA, metropolitan statistical area; SD, standard deviation.