Example time courses of the dynamic condition criteria evolving over the course of the session. The deciding real-time stPLV is plotted for each trial (blue x for low condition, red x for high condition). The orange line indicates the threshold for the high condition (upper quartile of the dynamic empirical stPLV distribution), the blue line indicates the threshold for the low condition (lower quartile). Additionally, the median is plotted as the black dotted line, the 5%-quantile as the light blue line, the 95%-quantile as the yellow line, and the PLV during time-out pulses as black circles. A A participant for whom both criteria are fairly stable, is shown (average case). B A participant with particularly unstable criteria is shown. Observe that there are many more time-out trials on the right, which tend to be particularly common (see steep change in left plot) when the criteria have to change a lot.