Altered LPS of phage-resistant mutants and defective adsorption of the cross-resistant wzy mutant. (A) LPS extracted from PAO1, PaPh24, PADR6 (wzy−
), PAER10b (algC−
), PAER6b (galU−
), and PAER5b (wapH−
) was run in a 15% Bis-Tris (upper panel) or a 18% tricine (lower panel) gel and silver stained. LPS extracted from 0.05 or 0.01 OD600 of cells were loaded in the upper and lower panel. Migration of molecular weight (MW) markers is reported on the right in kDa. Different forms of LPS (39) are indicated on the left. vl/l and m, very long/long- and medium-length O-specific antigen (OSA) capped LPS; cpa, common polysaccharide antigen; C + 1, LOS capped with a single O-antigen repeat; u, LOS with uncapped core; t, LOS with truncated core. (B) The E217-resistant 4a mutant is cross-resistant to DEV and complemented by wzy. (C) DEV phage has defective adsorption to the 4a wzy mutant. % ADS, adsorbed vs. input phage. The average (N = 3) with standard deviation is reported. Significance of difference was estimated with t-test. ***P < 0.001.