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. 2023 Aug 3;70(4):462–478. doi: 10.1002/jmrs.709

Table 4.

(a) Subtype classification (n = 35), (b) pCR prediction (n = 15), (c) lymph node metastasis detection (n = 7), (d) recurrence prediction (n = 6).

Ref MRI series Study aim Sub (V) 1 Segmentation method Radiomic features Results
17 Multiparametric (1.5T) Predict Ki67 status in breast cancer 328(Y) Manual (3D) Higher‐order statistics 2 Multiparametric model performed best with AUC 0.888, accuracy 0.971, sensitivity 0.993 and specificity 0.892
18 Multiparametric (3T) Predict Ki67 status in breast cancer 144(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Combining DWI and DCE (subtracted fifth post contrast image) produces best results with AUC 0.811
19 DWI (3T) Predict histological grade and Ki67 status using radiomic and deep learning methods 322(Y) Manual (2D) Morphological Prediction Ki67 expression had AUC 0.818 when using DWI and super resolution DWI images
20 Multiparametric (1.5T) Differentiate molecular subtypes and predict Ki67 and HER2 status 98(Y) Semi‐automatic (3D) First‐ and higher‐order statistics Differentiated HER2+ and TNBC with AUC 0.97. Predicting Ki67 expression had AUC 0.81
21 DCE (3T) Predict Ki67 expression 159(N) Automatic (2D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Classifying low and high Ki67 tumours occurred with statistical significance (P < 0.05) using a range of radiomic features
22 T2W images (1.5T) Predict Ki67 status in breast cancer 318(Y) Manual (2D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics AUC, sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the training set was 0.762, 0.72, 0.70 and 0.715 respectively
23 DWI (2 X 3T) Develop a model for predicting Ki67 index 128(Y) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; first‐order statistics Training cohort had AUC 0.75, accuracy 0.71, sensitivity 0.78 and specificity 0.72. Validation cohort had AUC 0.72, accuracy 0.7, sensitivity 0.71 and specificity 0.7
24 DCE (1.5T) Predict Ki67 status in breast cancer 154(Y) Manual (3D) First‐ and second‐order statistics Model produced AUC 0.785 in training and AUC 0.849 in validation cohort
25 DCE (3T) Predict Ki67 status in breast cancer 159(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Texture features were most significant (P < 0.05). Model performed with AUC 0.773, accuracy 0.757, sensitivity 0.777 and specificity 0.769
26 DCE (3T) Predict Ki67 status in ER+ breast cancer patients based on heterogeneous tumour subregions 77(N) Semi‐automatic (3D) Second‐order statistics Model prediction based on the tumour subregion performed significantly (P < 0.01) better compared to the entire tumour
27 DCE (3T) Predict HER2 and Ki67 status based on peritumoral and intratumoral regions 351(Y) Semi‐automatic (2D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics 2 Combined peritumoral and intratumoral model did not produce statistically significant improvements. AUC for predicting HER2 and Ki67 status were 0.713 and 0.749 respectively
28 DCE (1.5T) Identify HER2 enriched tumours 259(N) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; first‐order statistics HER2+ tumours had lower volume, smaller longest axial diameter, longest volumetric diameter, higher minimum signal intensity and lower entropy
29 Multiparametric (3T) Predict HER2 status of patients with breast cancer 306(Y) Manual (3D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Multiparametric model had the strongest results. AUC 0.8; sensitivity 88.7%; specificity 76.2% and accuracy 79.5%
30 DCE (3T) Predict HER2 status based on tumour subregions 76(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) First‐, second‐ and higher‐order statistics Classifier performed best when analysing tumour subregions compared to the entire tumour, with AUC 0.929 and 0.847 respectively
31 DCE (3T) Differentiate HER2 2+ status in breast tumours 73(N) Manual (2D) First‐ and second‐order statistics AUC 0.865, sensitivity 88.90%, specificity 73% and accuracy 81.06%
32 DCE (3T) Predict HER2 2+ status 92(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Second‐order statistics Best performance occurred with post‐contrast enhancement images with an AUC of 0.89
33 DWI (3T) Identify triple negative versus non‐triple negative tumours 390(Y) Manual (2D) Morphological; First‐ and higher‐order statistics Accuracy of discrimination between TNBC and non‐TNBC was 95.40% in training and 83.4% in validation cohort
34 DCE (3T) Identify triple negative breast cancer 84(N) Semi‐automatic (3D) First‐, second‐ and higher‐order statistics 2 Classifying TNBC versus all others with a combined BPE and radiomics model improved prediction from AUC 0.782 to 0.878
35 DCE (3T) Identify ER positive breast tumours 51(N) Manual (2D) Morphological; first‐order statistics First‐order statistics features were significant for predicting ER+ tumours, with AUC >0.8
36 Multiparametric (1.5T) Identify characteristics of ER+ tumours 75(N) Manual (2D) First‐ and higher‐order statistics Higher grade tumours had significantly higher uniformity and lower entropy in T1W images, with the opposite true for T2W images
37 DWI (3T) Evaluate breast cancer receptor status and molecular subtypes 91(N) Manual (2D) First‐ and second‐order statistics Accuracy of luminal B vs luminal A, HER2, TNBC and all others was 91.5%, 100%. 89.3% and 91.1% respectively
38 Multiparametric (3T) Assess breast cancer receptor status and molecular subtypes 91(Y 3 ) Manual (2D) Morphological; First‐ and second‐order statistics Accuracy of luminal B vs luminal A, TNBC and all others was 84.2%, 83.9% and 89% respectively. Accuracy of HER2+ vs. all others was 81.3%
39 Multiparametric (1.5T) Differentiate ER status in luminal A and luminal B tumours 27 4 (N) Manual (2D) Second‐order statistics Prediction of luminal B tumours had AUC 0.878, sensitivity 91.7% and specificity 86.7%
40 Multiparametric (1.5T & 3T) Predict breast cancer molecular subtypes 148(Y 5 ) Manual (2D) Second‐order statistics Predictive model had an accuracy of 74.7% and AUC 0.816. In prospective validation cohort, accuracy was 72.5% and AUC 0.823
41 Multiparametric (3T) Differentiate TNBC from other subtypes 134(N) Semi‐automatic (3D) First‐order statistics Best performance noted when distinguishing between TNBC and HER2+, with AUC 0.763, sensitivity 86.4% and specificity 72.2%
42 DWI (3T) Predict clinical‐pathological subtypes 112(N) Manual (3D) First‐ and second‐order statistics Accuracy for predicting individual subtypes is 97% luminal A, 100% luminal B (HER2−), 94% luminal B (HER2+), 92% HER2+ and 100% TNBC
43 DCE (1.5T) Distinguish between molecular subtypes using a multi‐institutional data set 91 4 (N) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Model distinguished between ER+ vs ER‐ with AUC 0.89, PR+ vs PR‐ with AUC 0.69, HER2+ vs. HER2− with AUC 0.65 and TNBC vs all other with AUC 0.67
44 DCE (1.5T) Predict molecular subtype 96(Y) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics; kinetic 2 Model had overall prediction AUC of 0.869. Discrimination among luminal A, luminal B, HER2 and TNBC subtypes had AUC 0.867, 0.786, 0.888 and 0.923 respectively
45 DCE (1.5T & 3T) Identify relationship between radiomic features and molecular subtypes 275(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Morphological; first‐order statistics; kinetic Model predicted luminal A (P = 0.0007) and luminal B (P = 0.0063) subtypes with statistical significance
46 DCE (1.5T & 3T) Association of imaging phenotypes with molecular subtypes 922 4 (Y) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; first‐order statistics Statistically significant results for distinguishing luminal A vs. all others (AUC 0.697) and TNBC vs. all others (AUC 0.654)
13 DCE (3T) Predict histological outcomes and molecular phenotypes 49(N) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Discriminating between subtypes produced AUC >0.8 for all categories. Best results for PR+/PR− with AUC 0.875
47 Multiparametric (3T) Classify IHC subtypes based on machine learning analysis 134(Y) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; second‐order statistics Accuracy of predicting TNBC vs non‐TNBC ranged from 72.4–91%
48 DCE (1.5T & 3T) Distinguish between molecular subtypes using deep learning models 270(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Second‐order statistics Deep learning model performed better than training from scratch and transfer learning, with AUC's of 0.65, 0.58 and 0.6 respectively
49 DCE (1.5T) Classify IHC subtypes 60(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Model classified luminal A, HER2+ and TNBC with statistical significance (P < 0.05)
50 Multiparametric (1.5T & 3T) Classify molecular subtypes 107(N) Manual (2D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Accuracy of classification was best on the 3T scanner with 86.4% on contrast enhanced T1W and 88.6% on DWI
51 DCE (3T) Predict pCR following NAC in HER2+ tumours 311(Y) Manual (3D) Second‐order statistics 2 Sensitivity 86.5%; specificity 80%; accuracy 84.9%
28 DCE (1.5T) Predict pCR following NAC 259(N) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; second‐order statistics Model predicted pCR in TNBC with AUC of 0.974
6 DCE (1.5) Predict DFS following NAC in HER2+ tumours 127(Y) Manual (2D) Morphological; second‐order statistics 2 AUC 0.974 in combined radiomic‐clinicopathological model
52 DCE (1.5T & 3T) Pre‐treatment prediction of response to NAC 158(N) Semi‐automatic (4D) Morphological; first‐ & second‐order statistics Two individual features could predict pCR in pre‐NAC images with AUC of 0.82 and 0.73, which are maximum voxel value and surface area to volume ratio respectively
53 DCE (3T) Explore relationship between tumour shrinkage and initial tumour enhancement with pCR in HER2+ breast cancer 51(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Morphological Tumour shrinkage pattern was associated with pCR with an AUC 0.778
54 DWI (1.5T) Predict non‐response to NAC 69(N) Manual (2D) Morphological; second‐order statistics; kinetic Texture (second‐order statistics) and kinetic features could best predict non‐response to NAC, with accuracy, sensitivity and specificity all measuring 74%
55 DCE (1.5T & 3T) Predict pCR following NAC by using peritumoral and intratumoral regions 117(Y) Manual (2D) First‐ and second‐order statistics; kinetic For all subtypes, combined peritumoral and intratumoral model had best results with AUC 0.78
56 DCE (1.5T & 3T) Predict pCR to neoadjuvant therapies 288(Y) Manual (3D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Statistically significant (P < 0.002) results found for predicting pCR in TNBC and HER2+ patients, with AUC 0.707
57 DCE (1.5T & 3T) Characterise HER2+ tumours and estimate response to neoadjuvant therapy 209 4 (Y) Manual (2D) First‐, second‐ and higher‐order statistics Combined peritumoral and intratumoral model could identify HER2+ tumours and predict response to treatment with AUC 0.89 and 0.80 respectively
58 Multiparametric (3T) Predict pCR to NAC 91(Y) Manual (3D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Combined ADC and DCE model had best predictive power with AUC 0.931, accuracy 0.825, specificity 0.766 and sensitivity 1.0
59 Multiparametric Predict pCR to pre‐treatment NAC 414 4 (Y 3 ) Manual (2D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics Multiparametric model had highest AUC of 0.79, compared to other models that all had AUC <0.7. Predicting TNBC had AUC 0.96
60 DCE (1.5T & 3T) Predict breast cancers insensitive to NAC 125(Y) Manual (2D) First‐ and second‐order statistics 2 Combined radiomic‐clinicopathological model produced the best results of AUC 0.986
61 Multiparametric (1.5T & 3T) Predict breast cancer regression patterns following NAC 144(Y) Manual (2D) Morphological; first‐order statistics 2 Combined radiomic‐clinicopathological model produced the best results of AUC 0.902
62 DCE (3T) Predict efficacy of NAC based on machine learning techniques 158(Y) Manual (2D) First‐ and second‐order statistics 2 Combined radiomic‐clinicopathological model produced best results with AUC 0.888, sensitivity 86.96% and specificity 79.31%
63 T2W (3T) Predict RCB following NAC 88(N) Manual (2D) First‐ and second‐order statistics Predicting pCR across all lesions had an accuracy of 85.2%
64 DCE (3T) Determine the level of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes 172(Y) Semi‐automatic (2D) First‐ and second‐order statistics 2 Combining the radiomic and clinical model improved detection of infiltrating lymphocytes from AUC 0.742 to 0.800
65 DCE (3T) Predict axillary sentinel lymph node metastasis 62(Y) Manual (3D) Morphological; first‐, second‐and higher‐order statistics AUC 0.82; accuracy 0.76; sensitivity 0.75; specificity 0.76
66 DCE (3T) Predict axillary lymph node metastasis 329(Y) Manual (3D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics 2 Combined radiomic‐clinicopathological model performed best. AUC 0.894; sensitivity 81.25%, specificity 82.08%; accuracy 81.78%
67 Multiparametric (1.5T) Predict sentinel lymph node metastasis 146(Y) Manual (3D) Second‐order statistics Multiparametric model produced the best results. AUC 0.863; sensitivity 0.663; specificity 0.816
68 DCE (1.5T) Predict lymph node metastasis based on existing dataset 91 4 (N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Morphological; second‐order statistics; kinetic 2 Genomic features performed best compared to the radiomics model with AUC 0.916 and 0.775 respectively
69 Multiparametric (3T) Predict axillary lymph node metastasis 120(N) Manual (2D) Morphological; first‐, second‐and higher‐order statistics; kinetic Addition of kinetic features improved model performance to AUC 0.91 and accuracy 86.37
70 DCE (3T) Predict axillary lymph node metastasis 102(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Morphological; second‐order statistics Combining morphological and texture features improved results. Accuracy 89.54%; sensitivity 94.5%; specificity 80.06%
28 DCE (3T) Predict RCB in patients treated with NAC 259(N) Semi‐automatic (2D) Morphological; first‐order statistics In TNBC, RCB was associated with mean, minimum, maximum and standard deviation of signal intensity
71 DCE Identify imaging phenotypes of heterogeneity and its prognostic ability to predict 10 year recurrence 95(Y 3 ) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics 2 Nomogram consisting of radiomic features and heterogeneity phenotype improved prediction from c‐statistic 0.55 to 0.73
11 DCE (1.5T) Predict recurrence prognosis in ER+ tumours 78(N) Manual (3D) First‐order statistics; Kinetic Kurtosis in delayed enhancement phase significantly indicates high recurrence (P = 0.0116). Volume ratio of slow persistent was associated with the low‐risk group (P = 0.041)
72 DCE (1.5) Estimate disease free survival and recurrence rates 294(Y) Manual (2D) Morphological; second‐ & higher‐order statistics 2 Combined radiomic‐clinicopathological model predicted recurrence with c‐index of 0.76
73 DCE (1.5T) Predict recurrence free survival 162 4 (N) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological High METV was predictive of recurrence and statistically significant in the HR+/HER2− (P = 0.012) and HER2+ (P = 0.036) subtypes
74 DCE (3T) Predict cancer angiogenesis for tumour biology and patient outcomes 27(N) Semi‐automatic (3D) Morphological; first‐ and second‐order statistics; kinetic 2 Cancers with increased micro‐vessel density had higher peak signal ratio enhancement (AUC 0.79). Second‐order statistics features could determine angiogenesis with AUC >0.83

Note: Predicting Ki67 (red), HER2 (yellow), TNBC (blue), ER and PR (white) and Subtype (green). Assumption is made that when P < 0.05 the null hypothesis is rejected and therefore the results are statistically significant.

Abbreviations: ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient maps; AUC, area under the curve; BPE, background parenchymal enhancement; DCE, dynamic contrast enhanced; DFS, disease‐free survival; DWI, diffusion weighted imaging; ER, oestrogen receptor; HER2, human epidermal growth factor 2; METV, most enhancing tumour volume; pCR, pathologically complete response; PR, progesterone receptor; RCB, residual cancer burden; T, Tesla; TNBC, triple negative breast cancer.


Number of subjects (whether conducted a validation on external set).


Clinical features used.


External validation cohort.


Multicentre study.


Prospective validation cohort.