Monitoring and reducing the global burden of stroke necessitates equitable and inclusive pragmatic solutions for maximum effect. Therefore, we adopted a synergistic approach to motivate all relevant stakeholders. Bidirectional arrows show a symbiotic bottom-to-top and top-to-bottom approach and intend to convey a sense of joint ownership, which should help to attract global resources. The WSO executive committee implementation task force and the operations committee will communicate with global implementation partners. The operations committee, comprising stroke experts from the six WHO regions, can also advocate for the necessary implementation work through the commissioners. Coordination of the ecosystem by the implementation task force and executive committee will include contextualisation of the key performance indicators and targets, and implementation of the pragmatic solutions across the six WHO regions in collaboration with regional stroke organisations. In addition to WHO, which co-initiated our Commission, our international partners will include the World Federation of Neurology, the World Federation for Neurorehabilitation, the World Hypertension League, the World Heart Federation, the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health, and the Non-Communicable Disease Alliance. Implementation partners will include national stroke support organisations and national ministries of health. The World Bank and other agencies and philanthropists will be approached for funding and support by the executive committee or by the implementation task force. Adapted versions of the global ecosystem will be adopted as regional and national ecosystems to suit local environments. Commissioners will become country ambassadors. WSO=World Stroke Organization. Adapted with permission from Owolabi et al, 2023.11