Extended Data Fig. 4. Radioligand binding affinities for GABAA receptors.
a, Ligand affinities (nM) for wild type α5β3γ2 receptors versus α5V3 receptors, measured by competition against [3H]-flumazenil. b, Ligand affinities (nM) for wild type α1-containing and α5-containing receptors and receptors with α1/α5 residue swaps at α1-S205/α5-T208 or α1-V212I/α5-I215V in the α-subunit loop-C, measured by competition against [3H]-flumazenil. c, Ligand affinities (nM) for wild type α5β3γ2 receptors versus receptors containing mutations in the ligand binding pocket, measured by competition against [3H]-flumazenil.