Figure 4.
Decreased mTORC1 activity in G-SmoAMPK tumors
(A) GSEA showing the pathways significantly enriched in the DEGs in the tumor cells from G-SmoAMPK mice versus G-Smo controls (B) Genes that are down-regulated in 1 or more clusters, ranked by number of clusters with differential expression. Red box marks the 11 genes down-regulated in 7/9 clusters. Blue box marks the 14 genes down regulated in 5/9 clusters.
(C) Venn diagrams of the genes down-regulated in the 5/9 clusters with the highest number of differentially expressed genes, or in the 5/9 clusters with the fewest differentially expressed genes. Cluster 1 is included in both Venn diagrams as a point of consistency, as depicted in the graph. In each Venn diagram, the cluster number is indicated followed by the number of DEGs for that cluster in parentheses. These Venn diagrams depict sets of 12 or 5 genes down-regulated in all included clusters and brackets show the indicated sets of genes commonly down-regulated genes in the list from (B).
(D) Representative p4EBP1 IF in sagittal sections of tumors of indicated genotype. (E) Quantification of p4EBP1 IF as in (D) in replicate samples of each genotype, compared by Student’s t test. In panel (D), bars = 2 mm in the low magnification image and 100 μm in the higher magnification image.