Fig. 1.
Pancuronium does not affect heart rate, mean blood pressure, or local field potentials of the cortical superficial layer in the mouse. Heart rate and blood pressure were monitored for mice under ketamine–xylazine anesthesia, awake condition, and pancuronium-induced paralysis (a, b). Data are presented as mean ± standard deviations. LFPs were recorded for a mouse under ketamine–xylazine anesthesia (c), awake conditions (d), and pancuronium-induced paralysis (e). Each panel includes an original LFP trace (top) and its Fourier power analysis (bottom). f Population average of the fast-Fourier transform of the LFP was calculated from results for 6 mice. (g, h) Representative LFP responses to brief visual (g) and whisker (h) stimulation were recorded under awake condition and paralysis. Recordings of 20 trials were averaged. Experiments were repeated on 6 mice, producing similar results