Fig. 6.
Depolarization-induced contractions increased arterial stiffness at low and high stretch pressure when autophagy was deficient in VSMCs. Concentration–response curves of stiffness increase elicited by K+ in aortic segments of Atg7+/+ SM22α-Cre+ (+/+) and Atg7F/F SM22α-Cre+ (F/F) mice under physiological pressures (N, 80–120 mmHg, a) and elevated pressures (H, 100–140 mmHg; b) in the presence of L-NAME. Ep in unstimulated conditions (KR, c) and after depolarization with 35 mM K+ (d) at normal (N) and high (H) pressure. Two-way ANOVA with pressure and genotype effect indicated and with Sidak’s multiple comparisons test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 (n = 7)