Chronic infection drives continual viral evolution. Consensus amino acid changes observed in the NrHV ORF and frequency in virus populations for (A) CC071 animals that clear (#42, 44, 47) and become chronically infected (#41, 43, 46), (B) CC080 animals that clear (#57, 60, 61, 62) and become chronically infected (#58 and 63) and (C) CC046 animals that clear (#28, 29, 30). The heat map color intensity indicates mutation frequencies (%). Amino acid changes were included in the heat map if the position was changed at a frequency > 50% in at least 1 sample per mouse line. Mouse adaptive mutations present in the inoculum (T190S, V353L, F369I, and N550S) are highlighted in hot pink. Changes shared by more than 1 CC strain are in bold. (D) The number of amino acid consensus changes over time. Only changes occurring at a frequency of > 50% were included in the analysis. Each symbol represents the number of coding changes in virus populations from a single mouse. Asterisks indicate statistical significance by 2-way ANOVA with Sidaks’s multiple comparison test. ****p = < 0.0001, *p = 0.0107. Abbreviations: CC, Collaborative Cross; NrHV, Norway rat hepacivirus; ORF, open reading frame.