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. 2023 Nov 1;12(12):e00506-23. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00506-23


Overview of transcriptome sequences for the three fornicates

Organism Kipferlia bialata Trepomonas sp. NIES-1444 Hexamita sp. NIES-1440
Predominant bacterial genera (top 3) contaminated in culture (percentage of sequences per genus against all bacterial sequences) Pseudoalteromonas (100)b Undibacterium (38.9), Chryseobacterium (20.0), Sulfurospirillum (12.5) Cutibacterium (85.5), Ralstonia (2.3), Alcanivorax (1.1)
No. of bases sequenced (Gb) 27.6b 29.1 7.6
No. of assembled transcripts 20,294b 76,247 48,794
No. of bases in assembled transcripts (kb) 28,897b 61,267 38,374
No. of annotated CDS regions 10,283 37,247 24,666
GC content of CDS regions (%) 56.9 43.1 45.9
N50 of CDS regions (bp) 2,820 1,466 1,295
Average length of annotated proteins (aa) 516.3 370.1 328.9
BUSCO completeness for annotated proteins (data set: eukaryote odb 10) Completea 33.4 (S:31.8, D:1.6) 20.4 (S:11.4, D:9.0) 15.3 (S:10.6, D:4.7)
Fragment 12.2 7.5 9.0
Missing 54.4 72.1 75.7
Reference Accession no. PRJDB5457 and DRR083618 PRJDB15716 and DRR460931 PRJDB15717 and DRR460932
Publicationb Reference (3)

D, duplicate; S, single.


Numbers updated from original report; –, none, this study.