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. 2023 Dec 14;14:8299. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-43384-y

Fig. 1. Outcomes and longitudinal viral loads from participants who acquired HIV-1 during the AMP studies.

Fig. 1

a Pre-ART viral loads pooled across trials and stratified by treatment arm -- placebo (gray; N = 62), 10 mg/kg VRC01 (light blue; N = 52), and 30 mg/kg VRC01 (green; N = 43). b VRC01 sensitivity of the acquired isolate for the placebo and VRC01 pooled treatment arms. Dashed vertical line indicates resistant and sensitive threshold for viruses, defined as IC80 ≥ 1 µg/ml and IC80 < 1 µg/ml, respectively. Black diamonds indicate group median for each of four treatment/sensitivity groups: placebo sensitive (navy; N = 17), placebo resistant (red; N = 45), VRC01 pooled sensitive (blue; N = 9), and VRC01 pooled resistant (orange; N = 87). c Pre-ART viral loads by treatment/sensitivity groups. In a, d, time values are presented relative to first positive viral loads such that negative days indicate the last negative viral load visit. Thick lines are geometric means binned by week. d Viral loads shown by treatment arm and VRC01 sensitive/resistant status grouped into first positive (placebo sensitive: navy, N = 17 placebo resistant: red, N = 45; VRC01 pooled sensitive: blue, N = 9; VRC01 pooled resistant: orange, N = 87), values after first but before 3 weeks (placebo sensitive: navy, N = 12; placebo resistant: red, N = 39; VRC01 pooled sensitive: blue, N = 5; VRC01 pooled resistant: orange, N = 64), and values after 3 weeks (placebo sensitive: navy, N = 23; placebo resistant: red, N = 53; VRC01 pooled sensitive: blue, N = 8; VRC01 pooled resistant: orange, N = 108). Filled circles indicate the placebo arm, and squares indicate VRC01 pooled. Dashed lines indicate non-significant comparisons, solid lines indicate p < 0.05, and bold lines indicate statistical significance after correcting for the 6 comparisons p < 0.008 (1-sided Mann–Whitney U test). e First positive viral loads grouped by geographic region -- South Africa (N = 41), Not South Africa (N = 31), US+Switzerland (N = 22), and South America (N = 68) -- and colored by HIV-1 subtype. Population distributions are not significantly different, p = 0.3 by Kruskal-Wallis H-test indicates no differences between groups so individual comparisons were not made. In all plots, box plots indicate median, IQR (box) and 1.5x IQR (fliers).