Detection of CD9/SOX2-positive cells in the IL-side and AL-side MCL and the AL parenchyma. (A) Double immunohistochemistry for CD9 and SOX2 in the vehicle, GH treatment for 3 d
(GHRH3d), continuous stress for 5 days (CS5d), recovery for 3 days after CS for 5 days (CS5d RC3d), and 2-week propylthiouracil (PTU) treatment. The first and second rows show the MCL
and the parenchyma, respectively. DAPI (blue) was added to identify the nuclei. (B) Proportion of CD9/SOX2-positive cells from the DAPI-positive cells in each treatment. The cells were
counted in the IL-side MCL (IL-MCL; B and E), AL-side MCL (AL-MCL; C and E), and AL parenchyma (Parenchyma; D and F). AL, anterior lobe; IL, intermediate lobe; MCL, marginal cell
layer. Scale bars: 20 μm (A). ** P < 0.01. * P < 0.05.