Fig. 1.
Metabolic profiling and mGWAS signal distribution. A Distribution of coefficient of variation (CV) and broad-sense heritability (H2) for the metabolites detected in the GWAS population. The horizontal dashed lines indicate the means of CV and H2, respectively. B Heatmap of metabolites based on their pairwise Pearson’s correlations. Positive and negative correlations are indicated in red and blue, respectively. C Chromosomal distribution of detected mGWAS signals. The horizontal dashed line indicates the threshold (determined by 1000 permutations) of hotspots, represented as the number of mGWAS signals within an interval of 100-kb. D Chromosomal distribution of mGWAS of 489 known metabolites. Each row represents the mGWAS results for a single metabolite. Metabolites from distinct chemical groups are indicated in different colors. The heatmap at the bottom indicates the density of mGWAS within each 100-kb interval across the genome