Fig. 3.
FSL-1 enhanced hematopoietic cell recovery in the periphery and bone marrow of irradiated NHP. Peripheral blood and BM samples were collected before radiation, at treatment, and at selected times for 65 d after radiation. Blood constituents were analyzed by hematologic assays, enumerating red blood cells (RBCs) (A), hemoglobin (B), hematocrit (C), platelets (D), and monocytes (E). For (A–E), mean ± SEM is shown (N = 10/cohort), where lines connect means across time points. Repeated measurements were evaluated using linear mixed-effects models, except where the fitted linear mixed-effects model was singular, such that a Bayesian linear mixed-effects model was implemented pre and post the nadir (at day 15) (A–E). As turning points were detected along the time, linear mixed-effects models were fit before (pre) and after (post) the detected turning time (nadir), with baseline as a fixed additive effect for prenadir models. P values for treatment pre/post nadir and for treatment to time interaction post nadir are indicated. Wilcoxon rank-sum testing was performed between Vehicle and FSL-1 treatment cohorts for measures on selected times (days d15 or d22) or for time period (d15 to d65), with indicated P values. (F) BM aspirates from FSL-1- or Vehicle-treated NHP at baseline (bsln) and days 22 and 65 after radiation were stained with Diff-Quik, with representative images at magnification of 100× under oil immersion for each cohort (N = 10) displayed. Abundance of cell types was tallied in a blinded fashion based on a scale from 0 (none) to 3 (most abundant). The violin plots reflect the abundance of precursor subpopulations with medians shown as solid bars and quartiles indicated by dashed bars for (G) RBC, (H) platelets (megakaryocytes), (I) neutrophils, (J) monocytes, and (K) lymphocytes. (L) Abundance changes between time points for Vehicle- vs. FSL-1-treated cohorts were evaluated using Fisher’s exact tests, with P values indicated (bsln or b to d22, d22 to d65 and b to d65).