A) Circuit diagram of sensory integration circuit. Connectome based on NemaNode and WormWiring data. B) Cartoon of medium through-put aggregation behavior assay with 50 timed day 1 adult worms per well of a 6-well WormCamp then imaged using WormWatcher platforms and scored for aggregation behavior defined as two or more animals in direct contact. C) Schematic of C. elegans nrx-1 gene showing mutant alleles used and isoforms removed by functional null and α-isoform specific mutants. D) Graph showing number of aggregating animals in various genetic backgrounds. All mutant nrx-1 alleles (wy778 = nrx-1 null, gk246237 = nrx-1 α mut, nu485 = nrx-1 α del) show decreased aggregation behavior. E) Representative images of aggregation behavior in npr-1(ad609), npr-1(ad609);nrx-1(wy778), npr-1(ad609);nrx-1(nu485), npr-1(ad609);nrx-1(gk246237) mutants, and solitary controls (Scale bar = 1mm).