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. 2023 Dec 15;23:964. doi: 10.1186/s12909-023-04881-2

Table 2.

Student perceptions of research exposure and attitudes

Question Response Options Number (%) of participants
Level of participants' exposure to research to date None at All 356 (20.09)
A Little 847 (47.80)
A Moderate Amount 434 (24.49)
A Lot 97 (5.47)
A Great Deal 36 (2.03)
Missing 2 (0.11)
Adequacy of medical school’s contribution to participants' knowledge of research Extremely inadequate 116 (6.55)
Somewhat inadequate 449 (25.34)
Neither adequate nor inadequate 353 (19.92)
Somewhat adequate 672 (37.92)
Extremely adequate 181 (10.21)
Missing 1 (0.06)
Research compulsory part of a degree Yes 1105 (62.36)
No 283 (15.97)
Missing 384 (21.67)
Reasons for engaging with research Interest in the subject 865 (48.81)
Career progression 721 (40.69)
Personal development 717 (40.46)
Interest in scientific problems 596 (33.63)
Feel obliged to do it 520 (29.35)
Contribution to better health care 465 (26.24)
Intellectual stimulation 437 (24.60)
Improving critical thinking 384 (21.67)
Extra Income 89 (5.02)
Other 144 (8.13)
Missing 2 (0.11)
Types of research done Quality Improvement Project 268 (15.12)
Audit 425 (23.98)
Basic Science Project 626 (35.32)
Co-author on Original Paper in Peer Reviewed Journal 207 (11.68)
Co-author on any Publications Related to Research 181 (10.21)
Presented a Poster 648 (36.57)
Given an Oral Presentation 665 (37.53)
Named Collaborator on Original Paper in Peer Reviewed Journal 99 (5.59)
Named Collaborator on any Publication Related to Research 112 (6.32)
Clinical Project 459 (25.90)
Other 137 (7.73)
Missing 2 (0.11)
Barriers preventing research Yes 827 (46.67)
No 928 (52.37)
Missing 17 (0.96)
Usefulness of research with medical studies Not at all useful 70 (3.95)
Slightly useful 422 (23.81)
Moderately useful 572 (32.28)
Very useful 483 (27.26)
Extremely useful 216 (12.19)
Missing 9 (0.54)
Difficulty of combining research with medical studies Extremely difficult 286 (16.14)
Somewhat difficult 963 (54.35)
Neither easy nor difficult 348 (19.64)
Somewhat easy 137 (7.73)
Extremely easy 21 (1.19)
‘I wish to pursue an academic career’ Strongly disagree 310 (17.49)
Somewhat disagree 454 (25.62)
Neither agree nor disagree 407 (22.97)
Somewhat agree 422 (23.81)
Strongly agree 178 (10.05)
Missing 1 (0.06)
‘I wish to pursue an academic training pathway’ Strongly disagree 334 (18.85)
Somewhat disagree 443 (25.00)
Neither agree nor disagree 427 (24.10)
Somewhat agree 388 (21.90)
Strongly agree 177 (9.99)
Missing 3 (0.17)
‘I would be interested in undertaking more research in the future’ Strongly disagree 119 (6.72)
Somewhat disagree 208 (11.74)
Neither agree nor disagree 248 (14.00)
Somewhat agree 660 (37.25)
Strongly agree 530 (29.91)
Missing 7 (0.40)