Figure 1.
Proteomic and metaproteomic analysis of human bile with or without gallstone. (A) The cohort enrolled in this study contains 14 acute CHLs, 17 chronic CHLs and 9 gallstone-free patients with gallbladder polyps. The bile fluids were collected during gallbladder resection of gallstone patients or polyp remove of patients. The proteins were extracted and separated using SDS-PAGE, followed by in-gel tryptic digestion. LC–MS analysis was performed using TIMS-TOF pro mass spectrometer. (B) The peptides were identified by two-step database searching using Metalab against a comprehensive protein database (UniProtDB) and the peptides were further subjected to taxonomic lowest common ancestor (LCA) analysis. Metataxonomic analysis using public 16S rRNA datasets of human bile by Kraken2 program was performed independently to verify the metaproteomic results. (C) The correlation plot of the bile samples based on protein identification. (D) PLS-DA of bile samples based on identified microbial taxa. The ellipses illustrated the confidence interval.