Extreme risk events disruption in cryptocurrency market |
Study cryptocurrency market efficiency under high volatility or under shocks from other extreme events |
Semi-supervised learning models and data streaming techniques |
Ben Hamadou et al.227
Data shortage and over-reliance on CNN models in the cryptocurrency field |
Improve language processing and image classification tasks |
Data augmentation, transfer learning, recursive classification algorithms, few-shot learning and synthetic data generation |
Li et al.228
Data quality and heterogeneity characteristics that may arise from the data |
Aggregate multivariate heterogeneous data to achieve multi-level knowledge interaction |
Agent-based, DAG-based learning |
Lin et al.229
Acquisition and tracking of real-time transaction data |
Take models to catch up with real-time data and react to it to quickly build investor confidence |
High performance computing (HPC), as well as faster incremental learning, progressive neural networks |
Murphy et al.230
Lack of accuracy in the prediction through deep learning algorithms |
Choose algorithms based on their properties when applying them to various modeling tasks |
Ensemble learning and other algorithms |
Rama Rao et al.231
Ignorance of interactive behavior data across nodes or chains |
Design smart contracts to model the dynamic characteristics of interaction behavior, between different data on the chain |
Identification technique that can self-adapt to changes in the chain’s behavior |
Du et al.232
Multi-objective, multi-level model design and application |
Maximize agent utility by modeling multi-task learning, and focus on global optimum |
Multi-objective architectures, transfer learning and encompass learning |
Poyatos et al.233 and Ni et al.234