Pre-natal exposure to BPA alters interleukin
and interferon family genes. qRT-PCR results show the decreased
expression of interleukin genes IL1β
(a), IL 1rn (b),
IL7 receptor (c), and interferon
genes Irg1 (d) and
Irf9 (e) in female offspring. Data
represent the results obtained from four treatment groups. Mice that
had been exposed to BPA in utero were subsequently treated
transiently with either E2 or sesame oil as vehicle control (CTL) as
adults (BPA-CTL, BPA-E2). Similarly, animals exposed to vehicle in
utero subsequently received transient E2 or vehicle control
stimulation as adults (CTL-E2, CTL-CTL). The data are presented as
relative mRNA expression in fold change relative to vehicle-treated
controls (CTL-CTL). The bars in each graph
represent the mean ± S.E. of three
individual experiments, each performed in triplicate. *Denotes
statistical significance
(p < 0.05) compared to
control group (CTL-CTL)