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. 2023 Sep 26;12(19):e031221. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.123.031221

Table 1.

Patient Characteristics

Characteristics No. of patients
Total White Black Hispanic
(N=1 142 560) (N=888 896) (N=162 752) (N=90 912)
Race and ethnicity
White 888 896 (77.8)
Black 162 752 (14.2)
Hispanic 90 912 (7.96)
Hospital COVID‐19 burden
Before COVID‐19 936 007 (81.9) 729 679 (82.1) 132 494 (81.4) 73 834 (81.2)
0.0%–2.0% 70 069 (6.13) 56 835 (6.39) 7869 (4.83) 5365 (5.9)
2.1%–10.0% 94 851 (8.3) 72 111 (8.11) 15 090 (9.27) 7650 (8.41)
10.1%–20.0% 28 941 (2.53) 21 236 (2.39) 5056 (3.11) 2649 (2.91)
20.1%–30.0% 8321 (0.73) 6153 (0.69) 1444 (0.89) 8321 (0.73)
>30.0% 4371 (0.38) 2882 (0.32) 799 (0.49) 690 (0.76)
Age, y (SD) 79 (8.7) 79.6 (8.6) 76.1 (8.4) 77.7 (8.5)
Men 518 567 (45.4) 405 859 (45.7) 68 991 (42.4) 43 717 (48.1)
Women 623 993 (54.6) 483 037 (54.3) 93 761 (57.6) 47 195 (51.9)
Emergent 984 753 (86.2) 759 217 (85.4) 146 977 (90.3) 78 559 (86.4)
Urgent 157 807 (13.8) 129 679 (14.6) 15 775 (9.7) 12 353 (13.6)
Admission source
Community 982 720 (86) 754 077 (84.8) 146 300 (89.9) 82 343 (90.6)
Hospital 118 961 (10.4) 101 374 (11.4) 11 398 (7) 6189 (6.8)
SNF/nursing home 26 369 (2.3) 21 878 (2.5) 3332 (2.1) 1159 (1.3)
Other 14 510 (1.3) 11 567 (1.3) 1722 (1.1) 1221 (1.3)
Dual eligible 255 090 (22.3) 143 179 (16.1) 69 033 (42.4) 42 878 (47.2)
Medicare advantage 418 398 (36.6) 294 214 (33.1) 74 275 (45.6) 49 909 (54.9)
Body mass index
Underweight 25 252 (2.2) 19 162 (2.2) 4552 (2.8) 1538 (1.7)
Morbid obesity 32 762 (2.9) 24 380 (2.7) 6469 (4) 1913 (2.1)
NIH Stroke Scale Score
0–9 400 850 (35.1) 321 425 (36.2) 53 296 (32.8) 26 129 (28.7)
10–19 88 084 (7.7) 67 739 (7.6) 13 571 (8.3) 6774 (7.5)
20–29 43 101 (3.8) 33 157 (3.7) 6479 (4) 3465 (3.8)
≥30 6711 (0.6) 5111 (0.6) 1049 (0.6) 551 (0.6)
Missing 603 814 (52.9) 461 464 (51.9) 88 357 (54.3) 53 993 (59.4)
Time elapsed from prior stroke
No prior stroke 1 053 056 (92.2) 823 199 (92.6) 146 458 (90) 83 399 (91.7)
≤30 d 35 997 (3.2) 27 302 (3.1) 5617 (3.5) 3078 (3.4)
31–60 d 11 259 (1) 8137 (0.9) 2185 (1.3) 937 (1)
61–90 d 7516 (0.7) 5375 (0.6) 1515 (0.9) 626 (0.7)
91–180 d 15 151 (1.3) 10 858 (1.2) 3025 (1.9) 1268 (1.4)
181–360 d 19 581 (1.7) 14 025 (1.6) 3952 (2.4) 1604 (1.8)
Stroke location
Precerebral, unspecified 6121 (0.5) 4939 (0.6) 800 (0.5) 382 (0.4)
Cerebral, unspecified 64 758 (5.7) 52 478 (5.9) 8047 (4.9) 4233 (4.7)
Carotid 52 739 (4.6) 43 529 (4.9) 5405 (3.3) 3805 (4.2)
Anterior cerebral 14 836 (1.3) 10 902 (1.2) 2652 (1.6) 1282 (1.4)
Middle cerebral 274 997 (24.1) 216 599 (24.4) 37 380 (23) 21 018 (23.1)
Posterior 53 735 (4.7) 42 927 (4.8) 6354 (3.9) 4454 (4.9)
Vertebral 13 077 (1.1) 10 290 (1.2) 1832 (1.1) 955 (1.1)
Cerebellar 27 152 (2.4) 21 206 (2.4) 3764 (2.3) 2182 (2.4)
Basilar 12 291 (1.1) 9134 (1) 2104 (1.3) 1053 (1.2)
Other 622 854 (54.5) 476 892 (53.7) 94 414 (58) 51 548 (56.7)
Prior procedures
PCI 95 508 (8.4) 79 272 (8.9) 10 317 (6.3) 5919 (6.5)
CABG 6282 (6.9) 76 581 (8.6) 7540 (4.6) 6282 (6.9)
Heart valve surgery 28 146 (2.5) 24 796 (2.8) 1805 (1.1) 1545 (1.7)
Functional status
Wheelchair 11 547 (1) 8475 (1) 2157 (1.3) 915 (1)
Supplemental oxygen 16 874 (1.5) 14 479 (1.6) 1640 (1) 755 (0.8)
Dependent on provider 12 230 (1.1) 7318 (0.8) 2856 (1.8) 2056 (2.3)
COVID‐19 2521 (0.2) 1611 (0.2) 549 (0.3) 361 (0.4)
Dialysis 14 579 (1.3) 7018 (0.8) 5261 (3.2) 2300 (2.5)
Elixhauser comorbidities
Congestive heart failure 241 452 (21.1) 182 931 (20.6) 40 848 (25.1) 17 673 (19.4)
Cardiac arrhythmias 429 517 (37.6) 354 561 (39.9) 46 367 (28.5) 28 589 (31.5)
Valvular heart disease 118 171 (10.3) 97 415 (11) 13 089 (8) 7667 (8.4)
Pulmonary circulation 52 086 (4.6) 40 283 (4.5) 8600 (5.3) 3203 (3.5)
Peripheral vascular disorder 105 112 (9.2) 84 245 (9.5) 13 103 (8.1) 7764 (8.5)
Hypertension, uncomplicated 634 268 (55.5) 498 792 (56.1) 83 272 (51.2) 52 204 (57.4)
Hypertension, complicated 384 819 (33.7) 284 494 (32) 70 019 (43) 30 306 (33.3)
Chronic pulmonary disease 197 024 (17.2) 160 785 (18.1) 25 127 (15.4) 11 112 (12.2)
Diabetes, uncomplicated 185 960 (16.3) 132 455 (14.9) 32 550 (20) 20 955 (23.1)
Diabetes, complicated 257 976 (22.6) 176 325 (19.8) 52 946 (32.5) 28 705 (31.6)
Hypothyroidism 216 292 (18.9) 186 609 (21) 15 003 (9.2) 14 680 (16.2)
Renal failure 253 444 (22.2) 185 114 (20.8) 49 127 (30.2) 19 203 (21.1)
Liver disease 17 252 (1.5) 12 150 (1.4) 3208 (2) 1894 (2.1)
Peptic ulcer disease 6480 (0.6) 4958 (0.6) 969 (0.6) 553 (0.6)
AIDS/HIV 842 (0.1) 317 (0.04) 418 (0.3) 107 (0.1)
Lymphoma 7630 (0.7) 6062 (0.7) 1101 (0.7) 467 (0.5)
Metastatic cancer 21 959 (1.9) 17 662 (2) 2980 (1.8) 1317 (1.5)
Solid tumor 43 019 (3.8) 34 169 (3.8) 6081 (3.7) 2769 (3.1)
Rheumatoid arthritis 36 760 (3.2) 30 132 (3.4) 4440 (2.7) 2188 (2.4)
Coagulopathy 52 979 (4.6) 41 452 (4.7) 7520 (4.6) 4007 (4.4)
Fluid and electrolyte disorder 237 960 (20.8) 179 391 (20.2) 40 004 (24.6) 18 565 (20.4)
Anemia, blood loss 4165 (0.4) 3242 (0.4) 654 (0.4) 269 (0.3)
Anemia, deficiency 34 705 (3) 25 488 (2.9) 6728 (4.1) 2489 (2.7)
Alcohol abuse 31 901 (2.8) 23 960 (2.7) 5528 (3.4) 2413 (2.7)
Drug abuse 14 731 (1.3) 9112 (1) 4610 (2.8) 1009 (1.1)
Psychoses 7495 (0.7) 4721 (0.5) 2092 (1.3) 682 (0.8)
Depression 135 776 (11.9) 115 388 (13) 12 061 (7.4) 8327 (9.2)
Death within 30 d 147 485 (12.9) 121 003 (13.6) 15 758 (9.7) 10 724 (11.8)
Motor deficit 553 785 (48.5) 426 510 (48) 83 132 (51.1) 44 143 (48.6)
Nonhome discharge 616 917 (54) 482 613 (54.3) 91 858 (56.4) 42 446 (46.7)
Endovascular thrombectomy 33 989 (3) 27 487 (3.1) 3966 (2.4) 2536 (2.8)
Thrombolytic therapy 113 397 (9.9) 89 228 (10) 14 750 (9.1) 9419 (10.4)

Values are number (percent) unless indicated otherwise. CABG indicates coronary artery bypass grafting; NIH, National Institutes of Health; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; and SNF, skilled nursing facility.