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. 2023 Dec 18;18(12):e0295943. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0295943

Table 8. New vs. original weights and rank order of SRRS events, including new item: ’Single person, living alone’.

Holmes & Rahe Present Study
Event rank weight rank Mean (SE)a 99% CIb Geometric Meanc Mdn (IQR)d
Death of a spouse or life partner 1 100 1 86.83 (0.98) 84.16, 89.21 73.78 95 (80–100)
Detention in jail or other institution 4 63 2 76.88 (1.14) 73.79, 79.66 61.65 80 (70–99)
Death of a close family member 5 63 3 75.84 (1.02) 73.13, 78.46 67.57 80 (60.5–95)
Divorce 2 73 4 67.86 (1.03) 65.2, 70.41 56.03 70 (52.8–85)
Marital separation 3 65 5 66.9 (1.01) 64.28, 69.33 55.98 70 (50–80)
Pregnancy 12 40 6 64.66 (1.06) 62.03, 67.27 47.63 60 (40–70)
Major personal injury or illness 6 53 7 64.36 (0.98) 61.9, 66.91 55.98 70 (50–80)
Death of a close friend 17 37 8 64.05 (1.12) 61.08, 66.8 44.9 50 (40–70)
Foreclosure/repossession on mortgage or loan 21 30 9 62.39 (1.07) 59.65, 65.09 32.71 40 (25–60)
Losing your job 8 47 10 60.97 (1.03) 58.2, 63.5 24.33 30 (20–50)
Major change in the health or behaviour of a family member 11 44 11 55.73 (0.98) 53.06, 58.24 38.01 50 (30–70)
Major change in financial state 16 38 12 52.02 (0.94) 49.68, 54.68 35.47 50 (30–65)
Gaining a new family member 14 39 13 51.81 (1.11) 49.05, 54.65 29.09 40 (20–50)
Marriage (pre-set weight) 7 50 14 50
Retirement from work 10 45 15 49.64 (1.08) 46.73, 52.45 35.58 50 (30–60)
Major business readjustment 15 39 16 46.73 (1.06) 43.96, 49.49 40.18 50 (30.8–70)
Marital reconciliation 9 45 17 46.24 (0.97) 43.77, 48.59 51.32 65 (45–80)
Major change in the number of arguments with spouse-life partner 19 35 18 44.21 (0.92) 41.75, 46.56 31.1 40 (25.5–50)
Change in residence 32 20 19 42.69 (0.95) 40.33, 44.99 34.54 40 (30–59.8)
Taking on a mortgage or loan for a major purchase 20 31 20 42.22 (0.99) 39.78, 44.79 34.98 45 (30–60)
Son or daughter leaving home 23 29 21 41.66 (0.99) 39.2, 44.19 21.75 30 (15–40)
Spouse/life partner begins or stops working 26 26 22 40.06 (0.9) 37.72, 42.36 21.22 30 (10–50)
Changing to a different line of work 18 36 23 39.48 (0.85) 37.3, 41.68 52.64 70 (45.8–80)
Major change in living conditions 28 25 24 39.36 (0.9) 37.01, 41.75 23.76 30 (20–50)
Single person, living alone 25 38.16 (1.13) 35.41, 41.16 24.14 40 (15–50)
Sexual difficulties 13 39 26 38.07 (0.92) 35.74, 40.61 53.44 70 (50–80)
Major change in responsibilities at work 22 29 27 37.8 (0.83) 35.54, 39.94 50.24 70 (50–80)
Major change in work hours or conditions 31 20 28 37.09 (0.84) 34.76, 39.32 20.44 25 (10–40)
Changing to a new school 33 20 29 34.6 (0.93) 32.29, 36.95 29.5 35 (20–50)
Beginning or ceasing formal schooling 27 26 30 33.88 (0.91) 31.57, 36.14 31.07 40 (25–55)
Major change in sleeping habits 38 16 31 31.92 (0.84) 29.83, 34.3 24.85 30 (20–40)
Outstanding personal achievement 25 28 32 30.94 (0.96) 28.49, 33.55 30.56 38.5 (21.3–50)
In-law troubles 24 29 33 30.94 (0.91) 28.62, 33.26 31.31 40 (25–60)
Troubles with the boss 30 23 34 29.15 (0.9) 26.72, 31.74 15.66 20 (10–30)
Major change in usual type and/or amount of recreation 34 19 35 29.08 (0.78) 27.01, 31.04 11.43 15 (5–30)
Major change in eating habits 40 15 36 27.39 (0.77) 25.2, 29.47 15.72 20 (10–30)
Taking on a loan for a lesser purchase 37 17 37 25.12 (0.84) 22.97, 27.6 17.36 20 (10–35)
Major change in social activities 36 18 38 24.39 (0.8) 22.31, 26.45 17.35 20 (10–30)
Major change in number of family get-togethers 39 15 39 22.88 (0.76) 20.9, 24.92 20.74 25 (10–40)
Revision of personal habits 29 24 40 22.8 (0.77) 20.95, 24.85 30.96 40 (25–53.8)
Minor violations of the law 43 11 41 22.14 (0.76) 20.12, 24.19 14.99 20 (10–30)
Major change in religious activities 35 19 42 20.09 (0.8) 18.01, 22.2 22.07 30 (15–40)
Vacation 41 13 43 20.09 (0.81) 18.03, 22.25 12.64 10 (6–30)
Christmas 42 12 44 19.78 (0.84) 17.79, 21.93 11.8 10 (5–30)

Table ordered by Present Study’s ranks, including ’Single person, living alone’.

a Mean (SE). Standard error obtained via BCa Bootstrap with 1000 samples.

b 99% confidence intervals obtained via BCa Bootstrap with 1000 samples.

c Where participants responded with a zero value, these were replaced with ’1’ to allow this value to be calculated.

d Mdn (IQR) = Median and inter-quartile range in brackets.