A) Schematic showing that the tetO promoter and the IRES-GFP tag have been inserted in the endogenous
Olfr17 gene locus on Chromosome 7 (top).
Olfr17 (green) resides in a large OR gene cluster surrounded by other OR genes (shown in black). Early induction of this ‘
tetO-Olfr17’ allele in olfactory progenitors with the
Gng8-tTA driver results in sustained, tTA-independent, expression in mature olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). GFP signal from induced
tetO-Olfr17 expression persists in most OSNs after 35 days in a high doxycycline diet (
B,C). (
B–C) Schematic of the high doxycycline feeding protocol used to inhibit the tTA and thereby confirm tTA-independent
tetO-Olfr17 expression in mOSNs (
B). After adult (>8-weeks-old)
tetO-Olf17 with
Gng8-tTA mice were placed in a high DOX diet for 35 days their OSNs continued to express GFP (
C), excluding the possibility that tTA traces could support
tetO-Olfr17 transcription. Note the distinction from the low doxycycline (DOX) treatment described in
Figure 7, where mice were exposed in utero to doxycycline and never had a chance to induce
tetO-Olfr17 expression at high levels. (
D) Feature plot showing
Gng8 expression in single-cell RNA-seq from sorted cells in the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) (as described in
Figure 1—figure supplement 1). Clustering shows six populations corresponding to different stages of mOSN development, with
Gng8 being expressed in INP and iOSN cell types but not in mOSNs, consistent with previous reports. (
E) Genome track of RNA-seq in tetO-Olfr17 + OSNs from
Gng8-tTA; tetO-Olfr17 mice and previously published WT OSNs (
GSE112153). Cells expressing the immediate neuronal precursor (INP)/immature OSN (iOSN)-induced
tetO-Olfr17 allele do not express any other OR genes. (
F, G) H3K9me3 native ChIP in ventral INP cells isolated from NFI ABX KO and age-matched wild-type (WT) control mice (as described in
Figure 4—figure supplement 1) shows heterochromatin deposition at the onset of OR choice. Heatmap of ChIP signal (
F) shows decreased heterochromatin on zone 4–5 OR genes, which have the ‘correct’ zonal identity for expression in this ventral segment. Overlay of ChIP signal tracks of over an OR cluster (G, top) shows variable changes in heterochromatin levels between WT control and NFI ABX cKO INP cells throughout the cluster. OR genes are colored according to their zonal identity. Log2 fold change in expression between ventral NFI ABX knockout and WT control mOSNs for each OR in the cluster is shown (G, bottom). Note that zone 2 and 3 OR genes ectopically chosen in ventral NFI ABX KO OSNs have decreased heterochromatin in ventral KO INPs. Pooled data from two biological replicates is shown.