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. 2023 Dec 18;14:8405. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-44098-x

Fig. 2. Lipid metabolism supports PCs intense bioenergetic demands and organ-wide function.

Fig. 2

a Analysis and quantification of lipid import (BODIPY C12, WGA633 shows cell membrane) and lipid droplets (b), LipidTox in renal tubules. c Schematic of sources contributing to the cellular lipid pool. dh Analysis and quantification of lipid droplet density/size and bioenergetic output (il) and secretory activity (m) in CapaR>CPT1-RNAi (whd) tubules. CPT1-RNAi#1 (V#105400); CPT1-RNAi#2 (B#34066). n Analysis and quantification of secretory activity in CapaR>ACC-RNAi renal tubules. o, p Analysis and quantification of secretory activity and SC lipidtox density in CPT1-RNAi driven in SCs (C724>CPT1-RNAi). Data represented as box and whisker plots (lower and upper hinges correspond to the first and third quartiles, median line within the box, whiskers extend from the hinge to the largest/smallest value, at most 1.5* interquartile range of the hinge) with all data from MpT cells (SCs or PCs, a, b, p), MpT main segment sections (g, h, l) or secretion of individual kidneys (m, n, o) shown as overlaid points. NS Not Significant, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 (unpaired two-tailed t-tests or ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparisons test where appropriate). p values: (a) p < 0.0001, (b) p = 0.000156,(g) control vs #1 p < 0.0001, control vs #2 p < 0.0001, (h) control vs #1 p < 0.0001, control vs #2 p = 0.00294, #1 vs #2 p = 0.0158, (l) control vs #1 p < 0.0001, control vs #2 p = 0.000138, (m) control vs #1 p = 0.0283, control vs #2 p = 0.00841, (n) p = 0.000639. p values where p > 0.05 labelled as NS. For analysis of fluorescent reporters/dyes, two images of different sections of the MpT main segment per fly were imaged. All images representative of >5 tubules. All images are maximum z projections, aside from B (‘XZY Projection’) which is a re-sliced max projected transverse section. (a) n = 42 cells (from 13 tubules) per condition, (b) n = 14 cells (from 8 tubules) per condition, (g, h) n = 16 control, 6 #1 and 9 #2 tubules, (I) n = 20 control, 10 #1 and 11 #2 tubules, (m) n = 49 control, 17 #1 and 31 #2 tubules, (n) n = 20 tubules per condition, (o) n = 9 control and 11 RNAi tubules, (p) n = 16 cells (from 5 tubules) per condition. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.