1 |
Relational plot |
Scatter plot |
sns.relplot(kind=“scatter”) |
sns.scatterplot() |
2 |
Line plot |
sns.relplot(kind=“line”) |
sns.lineplot() |
3 |
Distribution plot |
Histogram plot |
sns.displot(kind=“hist”) |
sns.histplot() |
4 |
Kernel density plot |
sns.displot(kind=“kde”) |
sns.kdeplot() |
5 |
Cumulative distribution plot |
sns.displot(kind=“ecdf”) |
sns.ecdfplot() |
6 |
Rug plot |
- |
sns.rugplot() |
7 |
Distribution plot |
sns.distplot() |
- |
8 |
Categorical scatter plot |
Strip plot |
sns.catplot(kind=“strip”) |
sns.stripplot() |
9 |
Swarm plot |
sns.catplot(kind=“swarm”) |
sns.swarmplot() |
10 |
Categorical distributiona plot |
Box plot |
sns.catplot(kind=“box”) |
sns.boxplot() |
11 |
Violin plot |
sns.catplot(kind=“violin”) |
sns.violinplot() |
12 |
Letter value plot |
sns.catplot(kind=“boxen”) |
sns.boxenplot() |
13 |
Categorical estimate plots |
Point plot |
sns.catplot(kind=“point”) |
sns.pointplot() |
14 |
Bar plot |
sns.catplot(kind=“bar”) |
sns.barplot() |
15 |
Count plot |
sns.catplot(kind=“count”) |
sns.countplot() |
16 |
Regression plot |
Regression line and scatter plot |
- |
sns.regplot() |
17 |
Multiple regression plot |
sns.lmplot() |
- |
18 |
Residual plot |
- |
sns.residplot() |
19 |
Matrix plot |
Heatmap |
- |
sns.heatmap() |
20 |
Dendrogram and Heatmap |
- |
sns.clustermap() |
21 |
Multi-plot grids |
Grid settings |
sns.FacetGrid() |
- |
22 |
Multivariable plot |
sns.pairplot() |
- |
23 |
Multivariate grid settings |
sns.PairGrid() |
- |
24 |
Bivariate plot |
sns.jointplot() |
- |
25 |
Bivariate grid settings |
sns.JointGrid() |
- |