Table 1.
Secondary outcomes, measurement tool or method, and timing
Outcome | Measurement tool or method | Timing |
Mortality | Medical records check | ICU, hospital, 30, 90 and 180 days post randomisation |
Length of ICU stay Number of days the participant is in ICU |
Medical record | ICU discharge |
Sedation and analgesia quality Lowest and highest RASS score per day over time during intervention Quality of sedation using SQAT states (daily basis); days with optimum sedation, agitation, or unnecessary deep sedation (RASS -4/–5). Quality of analgesia using presence of pain behaviour (daily basis) based on limb response to movement and ventilation compliance |
Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale (RASS) Sedation Quality (based on Sedation Quality Assessment Tool (SQAT)).27 Two components of the SQAT pain assessment will be used in this trial to measure sedation quality (limb relaxation and compliance with ventilation) Defines four states for sedation quality:
Four hourly during ICU stay until primary outcome is reached Derived from daily sedation and analgesia quality data during intervention period in ICU until primary outcome is reached |
Time to first optimum sedation hours Hours from randomisation to first ‘light’ sedation (RASS score of −2 or greater) Days from randomisation to first day with optimum sedation (based on SQAT definition) |
RASS scores 4 hourly during ICU stay SQAT status (daily during ICU stay) |
Based on daily sedation and pain assessments during the intervention period |
Delirium prior to successful extubation Occurrence prior to successful extubation (binary outcome) Days with delirium (CAM-ICU positive) or coma (RASS score -4/–5) prior to successful extubation (continuous outcome) |
Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU)28 | Twice daily during ICU stay until primary outcome is reached |
Drug-related adverse events Number of patients experiencing a predefined adverse event and each defined adverse event Number of days prior to successful extubation that any predefined adverse event occurred, and each defined adverse event occurred. |
Severe bradycardia; cardiac arrhythmias; cardiac arrest (defined in protocol); ileus | Daily during the intervention period |
Health-related quality of Life HRQoL at 30, 90 and 180 days post randomisation |
EuroQol tool (EQ-5D-5L) | Recalled HRQoL prior to hospital admission; prospective measurement 30, 90 and 180 days post randomisation |
Patients’ ability to communicate pain and ability to cooperate with care Number of days on which pain could be communicated during intervention (binary score) Number of days on which patient was able to cooperate with care (binary score) |
Binary assessment for each 12 hours nursing shift requested from bedside nurse (based on overall assessment of period of care). Answer to the following questions:
Twice daily until primary outcome is reached |
Patient experience of ICU care ICE-Q score at 90 days post-randomisation overall for each domain |
Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire (ICE-Q)29 Provides numeric score in four domains:
90 days post randomisation |
Relative/partner/friend (PerLR) assessment of comfort and communication Daily response to each of the three questions (binary outcome) |
Relative/partner/friends response to the following questions (based on their opinion at time of assessment):
Daily at a visit until primary outcome is reached |
Anxiety and depression HADS score at 180 days post randomisation |
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaire | 180 days post randomisation |
Post-traumatic stress Impact of Events Scale-revised (IES-R) score at 180 days post-randomisation |
Impact of Events Scale-revised (IES-R) | 180 days post randomisation |
Cognitive function TMoCA score at 180 days post randomisation |
Montreal Cognitive Assessment Tool (Telephone version) (TMoCA) | 180 days post randomisation |
ICU, intensive care unit.