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. 2023 Dec 5;5:1258861. doi: 10.3389/ftox.2023.1258861


Species, physiology, and aerosol properties used in each MPPD simulation.

Physiology Aerosol properties
Species Position Breathing modality Activity Tidal Vol. (ml/breath) Frequency (BPM) Conc. (mg/m3) MMAD (µm) GSD Density (g/cm3) Inhalability adjustment (yes/no)
SD rat, asymmetric, 300 g BW Upright Nose only Resting 2.12614 (scaled by BW) 166 5212 a 2.74 a 2.8 a 1.0 Yes
SD rat, asymmetric, 300 g BW Upright Nose only Resting 2.12614 (scaled by BW) 166 2000 b 2.01 3.0 1.0 Yes
SD rat, asymmetric, 300 g BW Upright Nose only Resting 2.12614 (scaled by BW) 166 1084 a 2.01 a 3.0 a 1.0 Yes
Human, Yeh and Schum, symmetric Upright Nasal Resting 625 (default) 12 (default) 5212 2.74 2.8 1.0 No
Human, Yeh and Schum, symmetric Upright Oral Resting 625 (default) 12 (default) 5212 2.74 2.8 1.0 No

Exposure conditions from Wittmer et al. (2021).


OECD, recommended alternate limit test exposure concentration (OECD, 2009).