Table 6.
Overview of Quantitative Findings
Depression | Anxiety | Loneliness | Quality of Life | Mastery | |||||||||||||||
CES-D | SDS | GDS | BDI | ESC | Misc | SAS | HADS-A | RAID | ESC | ULS | SES | ABS | SIWB | Qol-AD | Misc | PMS | BRS | EIS | |
Bohlmeijer 200926 | ↓* | ↑* | |||||||||||||||||
Hanaoka 201827 | ↓* | ||||||||||||||||||
Hanaoka 201128 | ↓* | NC a | |||||||||||||||||
Jo 201529 | ↓ b | ↑* c | ↑* | ||||||||||||||||
Korte 201230 | ↓* | ↓ * | ↑* | ||||||||||||||||
Lukow 201331 | ↑* d | ||||||||||||||||||
Pearson 200632 | ↓* | ↓* e | ↑ | ||||||||||||||||
Rawtaer 201513 | ↓* | ↓* | |||||||||||||||||
Ren 202133 | ↓* | ↑* | ↑* | ||||||||||||||||
Shellman 200934 | ↓* | ||||||||||||||||||
Sherman 198735 | ↑* f | ||||||||||||||||||
Smiraglia 201541 | ↑* g | ||||||||||||||||||
Stevens-Ratchford 199336 | ↓* | ↑* | |||||||||||||||||
Woods 201237 | NC | ↑ h | |||||||||||||||||
Wu 2018 38 | ↓* | ↓* | ↑* i | ||||||||||||||||
Zauszniew-ski 200439 | ↓* | ↓* j | ↓ | ||||||||||||||||
Zhou 201140 | ↓* | NC | ↑* |
Note: aLSI-K, life satisfaction index (K); bSGDS, Short-form Geriatric Depression Scale; cLSI-A, Life satisfaction index (A); dMLQ, Meaning in life questionnaire; eAPS, accepting the past scale; f5F-WEL, Five Factor Wellness Inventory; gLSI-Z, Life satisfaction index (Z); hEQ-5D, European quality of life 5 dimensions; IGHQ, general health questionnaire; jReduction in depression significant after 6 weeks but not after 12 weeks. *Significant.
Abbreviations: ↓, decrease; ↑, increase; ABS, affect balance scale; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; BRS, Brief Resilience Scale; CES-D, Centre of Epidemiology Studies Depression Scale; EIS – Ego Integrity Scale; ESC- Emotional Symptom Checklist; GDS, geriatric depression scale; HADS-A, hospital anxiety depression scale; MLQ, Meaning in life questionnaire; NC, no change; PMS, Pearlin Mastery Scale (beliefs about control over environment); QoL-AD, Quality of life Alzheimer's Disease; RAID, rating anxiety in dementia; SAS, Zung self-rating anxiety scale; SDS, Zung self-rating depression scale; SES, Rosenberg self-esteem scale; SIWB= Spirituality Index of Well-Being; ULS – UCLA Loneliness Scale – 8.