Fig. 2.
Two images demonstrating the areas that received various prescription doses of radiation therapy. The green line outlines an area that received 95% dose; the yellow line, 100% dose; and the pink line, 105% dose. The cold spot for 95% would be the area outside of the green line, and the hotspot would be the area contained within the pink line. A, Various dosage lines on a patient who underwent subpectoral tissue expander placement. The pectoralis major is mapped in blue and a portion of the pectoralis major is visible superficial to the green 95% line, indicating that portion of pectoralis major muscle was part of a cold spot. B, Various dosage lines on a patient who underwent prepectoral tissue expander placement. The pectoralis major is mapped in blue. Nearly all of the pectoralis major muscle is contained within the green 95% dose curve, indicating a minimal area of cold spot.