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. 2023 Dec 19;12:RP88551. doi: 10.7554/eLife.88551

Figure 2. Myomatrix recordings across muscles and species.

Figure 2.

(a) Example recording from mouse triceps during a head-fixed pellet reaching task. Arrows at top indicate the approximate time that the animal’s paw leaves a rest position and first contacts the target. Bottom: colored boxes highlight motor unit action potentials identified using a multichannel spike sorting algorithm (Pachitariu et al., 2023). Different box colors on the same voltage trace indicate distinct motor units. (b) Recordings from the mouse superficial masseter muscle were obtained in anesthetized, head-fixed mice when passive mandible displacement evoked reflexive muscle contractions. Top trace shows the lateral component of jaw displacement, with arrows indicating the direction and approximate time of displacement onset. (c) In a recording from rat triceps during head-free locomotion, the arrowhead indicates the time that the mouse’s paw touched the treadmill surface, marking the beginning of the stance phase. (d) Recording from the rat flexor digitorum profundus muscle during a pellet reaching task, arrow indicates the time of grasp initiation. (e) Myomatrix recording of motor unit activity in the mouse bulbospongiosus muscle evoked by optical stimulation of spinal motor neurons, producing motor unit spikes at latencies between 10 and 15 ms, consistent with results obtained from traditional fine-wire electrodes in mice (Lenschow et al., 2022). (f–j) Recordings from the cat soleus (f) during sensory nerve stimulation, songbird vocal (ventral syringeal) muscle (g) and expiratory muscle (h) during quiet respiration, hawkmoth larva dorsal internal medial (DIM) muscle (i) during fictive locomotion, and bullfrog semimembranosus (SM) muscle (j) in response to cutaneous (foot) stimulation. Spike times from individual motor units are indicated by colored tick marks under each voltage trace in (f–j). Recordings shown in panels (a, c, g, h, i, and j) were collected using bipolar amplification, data in panels (b, d, e, and f) were collected using unipolar recording. See ‘Methods’ for details of each experimental preparation.