Fig. 2.
3D plots to visualize the distribution of AI-inferred atypical cells in representative paired sample slides scanned using 2 digital scanners. The upper panel shows a Cytospin slide (A) and a paired ThinPrep slide (B) scanned by the Leica scanner. The lower panel displays a Cytospin slide (C) and a paired ThinPrep slide (D) scanned by the Hamamatsu scanner. In the 3D slide plots, each black dot represents the location of an atypical cell. The horizontal axis designates the slide's relative distance (μm), and the vertical axis represents the Z-axis distance (μm). Line or rectangle area colors indicate scan ranges of single (Z=1, purple line) and multiple Z-layers (Z=5, red rectangle area; Z=7, blue rectangle area; Z=13, green rectangle area). Each Z-layer indicates the coverage rate of atypical cells defined as the ratio of atypical cell numbers in single or multiple Z-layers to the total number of atypical cells across all 21 Z-layers.