Fig. 4. Abundance of soil fungal OTUs associated with high and low MGR.
a,b, The summed relative abundances of the 7 and 6 sOTUs indicative of high (a) and low (b) MGR, respectively, correlate well with the residuals of MGR after fitting the 15 soil parameters. The correlation coefficients (Pearson, rho) and the significance values (P) are displayed in the plots. The regression line is shown in grey and the 95% confidence interval is the grey shaded area. c, The relative abundance of high-MGR sOTUs was standardized using z transformation for better visualization and is displayed on the primary y axis. The MGR range per field is indicated by grey bars (representing the confidence interval of MGR) and is displayed on the secondary y axis. Fields are arranged in descending order of MGR. The plot shows that on average, only one or two of these OTUs were abundant in a field with high MGR. Therefore, these predictors are only suitable in combination in a multiple linear regression model. NA, unknown. Full information on taxa identities can be found in Supplementary Table 10. The corresponding plot for low MGR OTUs can be found in Extended Data Fig. 4.