Overview of window components associated with maintaining cell density. (A) Window anatomy delineating insertion, on-ramp, and window proper regions. New RBCs are added into the insertion region once the hematocrit drops below a threshold. These cells travel through the on-ramp region to equilibrate with the flow before reaching the window proper region. Dashed lines depict subregion cubes used for initial placement and monitoring cell density in the insertion region. Also shown is a pre-defined RBC tile used to populate each of the subregion cubes. (B) Depiction of the algorithm to move the window using a representative example. The left-most figure depicts the CTC position near the boundary which triggers a window move. The capture region is marked in translucent blue, labeling the section of cells that are maintained when the window is moved, minimizing the re-instantiation of new undeformed RBCs each time. The right-most figure depicts the configuration at the the end of the window move, with the yellow arrow giving the general flow direction.