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. 2023 Dec 15;6(12):1726–1734. doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2023.11.002

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the study population, overall and by categories reflecting adherence to the EAT-Lancet reference diet

EAT-Lancet reference diet score
Total (n = 473,836) Low adherence, 0–4 points (n = 229,968) Moderate adherence, 5–7 points (n = 221,727) High adherence, 8–11 points (n = 22,141)
Age at recruitment, mean (SD) 56.50 (8.08) 56.33 (8.15) 56.64 (8.02) 57.32 (7.73)
Sex - Female, % 54.52 50.95 57.15 65.23

Highest level of attained education, %

None of the following 16.36 15.38 17.17 18.36
CSEs/O-levels/GCSEsa, or equivalent 25.55 25.89 25.34 24.05
NVQ/HND/HNC/A-levels/AS-levels or equivalent 17.19 17.38 17.04 16.74
Other professional qualifications 28.45 29.40 27.66 26.62
College/university degree 11.55 11.20 11.77 12.95
Prefer not to answer/Missing 0.90 0.75 1.02 1.29

Smoking status, %

Never smokers 54.63 54.35 54.84 55.37
Former smokers 34.67 33.96 35.21 36.70
Current smokers 10.39 11.42 9.60 7.52
Prefer not to answer/Missing 0.32 0.27 0.35 0.42

Body mass index, %

≤18.5 kg/m2 0.50 0.55 0.45 0.53
18.5–24.9 kg/m2 32.48 33.04 31.94 32.04
25.0–29.9 kg/m2 42.37 41.83 42.87 43.04
≥30 kg/m2 24.15 24.15 24.19 23.78
Missing 0.49 0.42 0.55 0.60

Alcohol intake status, %

Never drinkers 4.15 3.40 4.68 6.59
Former drinkers 3.43 3.12 3.65 4.58
Current drinkers 92.34 93.42 91.59 88.76
Prefer not to answer/Missing 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.07

Physical activity, %

Less than 75 min per week 31.85 32.37 31.58 29.19
75–150 min per week 13.30 13.33 13.31 12.86
150 min or more per week 49.47 49.16 49.48 52.52
Prefer not to answer/Missing 5.38 5.14 5.63 5.43

A-level: General Certificate of Education Advanced level; AS-levels: General Certificate of Education Advanced Supplementary level; CSE: Certificate of Secondary Education; HNC: Higher National Certificate; HND: Higher National Diploma; GCSE: General Certificate of Secondary Education; NVQ: National Vocational Qualification; O-level: General Certificate of Education Ordinary level; SD: Standard deviation.

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