Fig 7. Reciprocal inhibition of gp120 V2 and CD4 binding to ⍺4β7 by D2 and V2 peptides.
SPR measurements of soluble ⍺4β7 (analyte) binding to biosensor surfaces coated with CD4 D1D2, 92TH023 cyclic peptide, or MAdCAM-Ig in the absence or presence of either CD4 D2 or gp120 V2 peptides, as indicated. (A) List of overlapping 15 aa peptides corresponding to residues 157–187 of CD4 and residues 158–192 of gp120 V2 (subtype B consensus sequence). (B) Binding of ⍺4β7 to sCD4 D1D2 +/- CD4 D2 peptides. X-axis indicates ⍺4β7 mass bound (RU) at the end of the association phase. (C) Binding of ⍺4β7 to 92TH023 +/- gp120 V2 peptides. (D) Binding of ⍺4β7 to sCD4 D1D2 +/- gp120 V2 peptides. (E) Binding of ⍺4β7 to 92TH023 +/- CD4 D2 peptides. (F) Binding of ⍺4β7 to MAdCAM-Ig +/- CD4 D2 peptides. (G) Binding of ⍺4β7 to MAdCAM-Ig +/- gp120 V2 peptides.