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. 2023 Dec 20;18(12):e0295919. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0295919

Table 2. Estimates of growth curve parameters for body mass index trajectories.

Male aged over 60 Intercept, kg/m2 Linear Slope, kg/m2 Group membership, %
Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI
Obesity, stable 30.1 26.5, 33.7 0.001 -0.029, 0.031 7.3
Overweight, stable 25.9 23.6, 28.2 0.01 -0.004, 0.023 36.1
Mid-normal weight, stable 22.5 20.2, 24.7 -0.007 -0.02, 0.006 42.7
Low-normal weight, stable 18.8 16.2, 21.4 0.008 -0.016, 0.031 13.9
Male aged 40–60 Intercept, kg/m2 Linear Slope, kg/m2 Group membership, %
Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI
Obesity, increasing 31.1 27.1, 35.0 0.026 0.014, 0.038 6.1
Overweight, increasing 26.7 24.4, 29.0 0.035 0.03, 0.041 31.5
Mid-normal weight, increasing 23.5 21.2, 25.7 0.025 0.021, 0.029 46.6
Low-normal weight, increasing 19.9 17.4, 22.5 0.031 0.024, 0.038 15.7
Female aged over 60 Intercept, kg/m2 Linear Slope, kg/m2 Group membership, %
Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI
Obesity, increasing 32.7 28.4, 36.9 0.043 0.004, 0.082 5.8
Overweight, stable 27.6 24.9, 30.3 0.018 -0.002, 0.039 28.1
Mid-normal weight, stable 23.7 21.2, 26.3 0.0002 -0.015, 0.016 47.2
Low-normal weight, stable 19.8 16.9, 22.8 -0.017 -0.048, 0.006 18.9
Female aged 40–60 Intercept, kg/m2 Linear Slope, kg/m2 Group membership, %
Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI
Obesity, increasing 32.5 27.7, 37.3 0.079 0.064, 0.095 4.4
Overweight, increasing 27.3 24.6, 30.1 0.051 0.044, 0.058 21.9
Mid-normal weight, increasing 23.6 21.2, 25.9 0.032 0.027, 0.037 44
Low-normal weight, increasing 20.2 17.8, 22.7 0.012 0.007, 0.018 29.7

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval.