Figure 4.
YFP::TS localizes to microtubules in vivo and is concentrated at growing plus-ends. (A) Cartoon representation of YFP::TS construct used for transformation and stable expression in Arabidopsis plants and cultured BY-2 cells. (B) YFP::TS localization in an Arabidopsis hypocotyl epidermal cell. YFP::TS localizes to microtubules and is enriched at microtubule plus-ends (arrowheads). (C) Slices from a time series showing plus-end enrichment of YFP::TS fluorescence on a microtubule. Plus-end accumulation decreases upon microtubule catastrophe (asterisk) and is restored with rescue (arrow). (D) Slices from a time series showing localization of YFP::TS to dynamic microtubules. Arrows indicate rescue, asterisks indicate catastrophe. Bar, 10 μm (B), 2.5 μm (C), and 5 μm (D). Time scale (t), 25 s (C), 75 s (D).