Acute S100B exposure does not inhibit non-inactivating voltage-gated potassium currents (IK) in midbrain neurons. (a) Representative traces of IK from TH+ and TH− neurons with (right) and without (left) 50 pM S100B. (b) Left panel, I–V curves of TH+ and TH− neurons in regular aCSF. Right panels, average I–V curves from TH+ and TH− neurons with and without S100B. (c) Comparison of max IK from the most depolarizing stimulation step in TH+ and TH− neurons. n = 11 for TH+ neurons and 12 for TH− neurons from three independent weeks of culture. All errors are SEM; p-values for I–V curves are based on mixed-design ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni correction; p-values for max IK are based on paired sample t tests for TH+ control, TH+ S100B and TH− control, TH− S100B, and two sample t tests for TH+ control, TH− control