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. 2023 Dec 15;15(24):5861. doi: 10.3390/cancers15245861

Table 1.

Overview of the published work regarding convolutional neural network (CNN) development for capsule endoscopy.

Author, Year
Frames n Types of
Classification Categories Performance Metrics
Total Lesion SEN SPE AUC
Specific CNN for Small Bowel Lesions Aoki, 2020
Detection of blood SB2
1 66 38,055 6711 ResNet Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal vs. blood content)
Train–test split
Blood 97 100 100
Afonso, 2021
Detection of blood SB3 2 1483 23,190 13,515 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal vs. blood or hematic residues)
Staged incremental frame with train–test split (80–20%) Blood/hematic residues 98 98 100
Leenhardt, 2019
Detection of angiectasia SB3 French national of still frames database (from 13 centers) NA 1200 600 YOLO Previous manual annotation of all angiectasias for the French national database Deep feature extraction of dataset already manually annotated (300 lesions and 300 normal frames)
Validation with classification of new dataset (300 lesions and 300 normal frames)
Angiectasia 100 96 NK
Tsuboi, 2020
Detection of angiectasia SB2
2 169 12,725 2725 SSD Manual annotation of all angiectasias CNN is trained exclusively in positive frames (2237 with angiectasias)
Validation on mixed data with positive and negative frames
(488 angiectasias and 10,000 normal frames)
Angiectasia 99 98 100
Houdeville, 2021
Detection of angiectasia SB3
NA NA 12,255 613 YOLO Previous trained on SB3 devices Validation with 626 new SB3 still frames and 621 new Mirocam still frames Angiectasia (SB3) 97 99 NK
Angiectasia (Mirocam) 96 98 NK
Ribeiro, 2021
Detection of vascular lesions + categorization of bleeding potential SB3 2 1483 11,588 2063 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal (N) vs. red spots (P1V) vs. angiectasia or varices (P2V))
Train–test split
with 3 × 3 confusion matrix
N vs. all 90 97 98
P1V vs. all 92 95 97
P2V vs. all 94 95 98
Aoki, 2019
Detection of ulcerative lesions SB2
1 180 15,800 5800 SSD Manual annotation of all ulcers or erosions CNN is trained exclusively in positive frames (5630 with ulcers)
Validation on mixed data with positive and negative frames
(440 lesions and 10,000 normal frames)
Ulcers or erosions 88 91 96
Klang, 2020
Detection of ulcers
+ differentiation from normal mucosa
SB3 1 49 17,640 7391 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal vs. ulcer)
5-fold cross-validation
with train–test split (80 vs. 20%)
(mean of cross-validation)
95 97 99
Barash, 2021
Categorization of severity grade of ulcers SB3 1 NK Random selection of 1546 ulcer frames from Klang dataset ResNet Frame labeling of all datasets
(mild ulceration (1) vs. moderate ulceration (2) vs. severe ulceration (3))
Train–test split (80–20%) with 3 × 3 confusion matrix 1 vs. 2 34 71 57
2 vs. 3 73 91 93
1 vs. 3 91 91 96
Afonso, 2021
Detection of ulcerative lesions + categorization of bleeding potential SB3 2 2565 23,720 5675 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal (N) vs. erosions (P1E) vs. ulcers with uncertain/intermediate bleeding potential (P1U) vs. ulcers with high bleeding potential (P2U))
Train–test split
with 4 × 4 confusion matrix
N vs. all 94 91 98
P1E vs. all 73 96 95
P1U vs. all 72 96 96
P2U vs. all 91 99 100
Saito, 2020
Detection of protruding lesions SB2
3 385 48,091 38091 SSD Manual annotation of all protruding lesions (polyps, nodules, epithelial tumors, submucosal tumors, venous structures) CNN is trained exclusively in positive frames (30,584 with protruding lesions)
Validation on mixed data with positive and negative frames
(7507 lesions and 10,000 normal frames)
Protruding lesions 91 80 91
Saraiva, 2021
Detection of protruding lesions + categorization of bleeding potential SB3 1 1483 18,625 2830 Xception Frame labeling of all data
(normal (N) vs. protruding lesions with uncertain/intermediate bleeding potential (P1PR) vs. protruding lesions with high bleeding potential (P2PR))
Train–test split
with 3 × 3 confusion matrix
N vs. all 92 99 99
P1PR vs. all 96 94 99
P2PR vs. all 97 98 100
Specific CNN for Colonic Lesions Yamada, 2021
Detection of colorectal neoplasias COLON2 1 184 20,717 17,783 SSD Manual annotation of all colorectal neoplasias (polyps and cancers) CNN is trained exclusively in positive frames (15,933 with colorectal neoplasias)
Validation on mixed data with positive and negative frames
(1805 lesions and 2934 normal frames)
Colorectal neoplasias 79 87 90
Saraiva, 2021
Detection of protruding lesions COLON2 1 24 3640 860 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal vs. protruding lesions: polyps, epithelial tumors, subepithelial lesions)
Train–test split
Protruding lesions 91 93 97
Ribeiro, 2022
Detection of ulcerative lesions COLON2 2 124 37,319 3570 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal vs. ulcer or erosions)
train–validation (for hyperparameter tuning)–test split (70–20–10%) Ulcers or erosions 97 100 100
Majtner, 2021
Panenteric (small bowel and colon) detection of ulcerative lesions CROHN 1 38 77,744 2748 ResNet Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal vs. ulcer or erosions)
Train–validation–test (70–20–10%) with patient split Ulcers or erosions 96 100 NK
Ferreira, 2022
Panenteric (small bowel and colon) detection of ulcerative lesions CROHN 2 59 24,675 5300 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal vs. ulcer or erosions)
Train–test split
Ulcers or erosions 98 99 100
Saraiva, 2021
Detection of blood COLON2 1 24 5825 2975 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal vs. blood or hematic residues)
Train–test split
Blood or hematic residues 100 93 100
Complex CNN for Enteric and Colonic Lesions Ding, 2019
Detection of abnormal findings in the small bowel without discrimination capacity NaviCam 77 1970 158,235 + validation set NK ResNet Frame labeling of training set (inflammation, ulcer, polyps, lymphangiectasia, bleeding, vascular disease, protruding lesion, lymphatic follicular hyperplasia, diverticulum, parasite, normal) Testing with 5000 independent CE videos Abnormal findings 100 100 NK
Aoki, 2021
Detection of multiple types of lesions in the small bowel SB3 3 NK 66,028 + validation set 44,684 Combined 3 SSD + 1 ResNet Manual annotation of all mucosa breaks, angiectasias, protruding lesions and blood contents CNN is trained on mixed data with positive and negative frames (44,684 lesions and 21,344 normal frames)
Validation on 379 full videos
Mucosal brakes vs. other lesions 96 99 NK
Angiectasias vs. other lesions 79 99 NK
Protruding lesions vs. other lesions 100 95 NK
Blood content vs. other lesions 100 100 NK
Saraiva, 2021
Detection of multiple types of lesions in the small bowel + categorization of bleeding potential SB3
2 5793 53,555 35,545 Xception Frame labeling of all data
(normal (N) vs. lymphangiectasias (P0L) vs. xanthomas (P0X) vs. erosions (P1E) vs. ulcers with uncertain/intermediate bleeding potential (P1U) vs. ulcers with high bleeding potential (P2U) vs. red spots (P1RS) vs. vascular lesions (angiectasias or varices) (P2V) vs. protruding lesions with uncertain/intermediate bleeding potential (P1P) vs. protruding lesions with high bleeding potential (P2P) vs. blood or hematic residues)
Train–test split
with 11 × 11 confusion matrix
N vs. all 92 96 99
P0L vs. all 88 99 99
P0X vs. all 85 98 99
P1E vs. all 73 99 97
P1U vs. all 81 99 99
P2U vs. all 94 98 100
P1RS vs. all 80 99 98
P2V vs. all 91 99 100
P1P vs. all 93 99 99
P2P vs. all 94 100 99
Blood vs. all 99 100 100
Saraiva, 2022
Detection of pleomorphic lesions or blood in the colon COLON2 2 124 9005 pl5,930 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal (N) vs. blood or hematic residues (B) vs. mucosal lesions (ML), including ulcers, erosions, vascular lesions (red spots, angiectasia and varices) and protruding lesions (polyps, epithelial tumors, submucosal tumors and nodes))
Train–test split
with 3 × 3 confusion matrix
N vs. all 97 96 100
Blood vs. all 100 100 100
ML vs. all 92 99 90
Xie, 2022
Detection of multiple types of lesions in the small bowel + differentiation from normal mucosa OMON 51 5825 757,770 NK EfficientNet + Yolo Frame labeling of all datasets
Protruding lesions (venous structure, nodule, mass/tumor, polyp(s)), flat lesions (angiectasia, plaque (red), plaque (white), red spot, abnormal villi), mucosa (lymphangiectasia, erythematous, edematous), excavated lesion (erosion, ulcer, aphtha) and content (blood, parasite)
CNN is trained on mixed data with positive and negative frames
Validation on 2898 full videos
Venous structure vs. all 98 100 NK
Nodule vs. all 97 100 NK
Mass or tumor vs. all 95 100 NK
Polyp vs. all 95 100 NK
Angiectasia vs. all 96 100 NK
Plaque (red) vs. all 94 100 NK
Plaque (white) vs. all 95 100 NK
Red spot vs. all 96 100 NK
Abnormal villi vs. all 95 100 NK
Lymphangiectasia vs. all 98 100 NK
Erythematous mucosa vs. all 95 100 NK
Edematous mucosa vs. all NK NK NK
Erosion vs. all NK NK NK
Ulcer vs. all NK NK NK
Aphtha vs. all NK NK NK
Blood vs. all NK NK NK
Parasite vs. all NK NK NK
Complex CNN for Gastric Lesions Xia, 2021
Detection of multiple types of lesions + differentiation from normal mucosa NaviCam MCE 1 797 1,023,955 NK ResNet Frame labeling of training set (erosions, polyps, ulcers, submucosal tumors, xanthomas, normal) testing with 100 independent CE videos Pleomorphic lesions 96 76 84
Pan, 2022
Detect in real time of both gastric anatomic landmarks and different types of lesions NaviCam
1 906 34,062 + validation set NK ResNet Frame labeling of all datasets (ulcerative (ulcer and erosions), protruding lesions (polyps and submucosal tumors), xanthomas, normal mucosa) Prospective validation on 50 CE exams Gastric lesions 99 NK NK
Anatomic landmarks 94 NK NK
Saraiva, 2023
Detection of pleomorphic gastric lesions SB3
2 107 12,918 6074 Xception Frame labeling of all datasets
(normal vs. pleomorphic lesion (vascular, ulcerative or protruding lesion or blood/hematic residues))
Train–test split
with patient split design and 3-fold cross-validation during training set
Pleomorphic lesions
(mean of cross-validation)
88 92 96
Pleomorphic lesions
(test set)
97 96 100