(A) qRT-PCR measurement of FAP mRNA levels in HMLER-TWIST1 cells expressing shRNAs targeting FAP.
(B) Western blotting analysis on lysates obtained from HMLER-TWIST1 cells as indicated.
(C) Nude mice were injected subcutaneously with GFP + HMLER-TWIST1 cells expressing a control vector (shCtrl) or shRNAs targeting FAP. Tumor diameters were measured as indicated. Once the tumors reached 2 cm in diameter, they were harvested and weighed as shown in (D).
(E) Quantification of GFP-positive cells in each individual lung. N = 10 mice per group. **p < 0.01, Student’s t-test. Error bars in (A, C, D and E) represent the SD.
(E) Representative images of lungs of nude mice injected with HMLER-TWIST1 cells expressing the indicated shRNAs. Scale bar, 1 mm. See also Figure S1.