Galina Bulatova et al., 2021 [37] |
Retrospective study |
AI software Ceppro DDH Inc. (Seoul, Korea) |
Lateral cephalograms were analyzed by a calibrated senior orthodontic resident using Dolphin Imaging® and the same images were uploaded to the AI software Ceppro DDH. |
There was no statistical difference in manually analyzed CLs and those obtained by AI. |
Young Hyun Kim et al., 2021 [38] |
Retrospective study |
The developed DL model has a two-step structure. |
Two examiners manually identified the 13 most important CLs to set as references. The landmarks were automatically measured using the proposed model in lateral cephalometric images. |
The proposed DL model can perform fully automatic identification of CLs. |
Thaísa Pinheiro Silva et al., 2022 [39] |
Retrospective study |
CEFBOT (RadioMemory Ltd., Belo Horizonte, Brazil) |
An expert and CEFBOT evaluated the 66 landmarks and 10 linear and angular measures featured in Arnett’s analysis on the radiograph. |
CEFBOT ( accessed on 14 November 2023) software can be considered a promising tool. |
Felix Kunz et al., 2020 [5] |
Retrospective study |
A customized open-source CNN DL algorithm (Keras and Google TensorFlow) is directed toward analyzing visual imagery and has an input layer, multiple hidden layers, and an output layer. |
Both AI and each examiner analyzed 12 orthodontic parameters based on cephalometric images. |
No clinically relevant difference was noticed between the two analyses. |
Jaerong Kim et al., 2021 [40] |
Retrospective study |
A cascade network consisting of ROI detection and landmark prediction. |
Two orthodontists evaluated 100 lateral cephalograms and the mean of these values was considered the gold standard. The DL model evaluated 3150 lateral cephalograms. |
The overall automated detection error was 1.36 ± 0.98. The accuracy of CL recognition was comparable with that made by two orthodontists with more than 10 years of clinical experience. |
Sangmin Jeon et al., 2021 [41] |
Retrospective study |
CephX for the AI analysis. |
The cephalograms were analyzed with V-ceph for the conventional CA and with CephX for the AI analysis. |
Variations were found in saddle angle, linear measurements of maxillary incisor to NA line, and mandibular incisor to NB line. |
Mehmet Uğurlu et al., 2022 [42] |
Retrospective study |
AI system (CranioCatch, Eskisehir, Turkey). |
A CNN-based AI algorithm for automatic CL detection was developed and used to detect CLs.Then, an orthodontist with 9 years of experience analyzed the CA of the AI. |
There were no statistical differences between manual identification and AI groups in 11 out of 16 points. AI increased the efficiency of CL identification. |
Gökhan Çoban et al., 2022 [43] |
Retrospective study |
WebCeph was used for AI-based CA. |
Differences between using the semi-automated software Dolphin® (v. 11.5, Chatsworth, CA, USA) and WebCeph (WEBCEPH™, Artificial Intelligence Orthodontic & Orthognathic Cloud Platform, South Korea, 2020) software for each CL. |
It was determined that there was a noticeable change between SNB, ANB, and SN.PP, U1.SN, U1-NA, U1.NA, L1-APog, IMPA, L1-NB, and ULE. |
Ioannis A Tsolakis et al. [44] |
Retrospective study |
CS imaging V8 software was used for AI-based CA. |
The difference between using semi-automated software Dolphin® 3D Imaging program (version 11.0) and CS imaging V8 software for each CL. |
There were no significant differences between the two methods (p > 0.0027) for the SN-MP, U1-SN, SNA, SNB, ANB, L1-NB, SNPg, ANPg, SN/ANS-PNS, SN/GoGn, U1/ANS-PNS, L1-APg, U1-NA, and L1-GoGn landmarks. |
Britta Ristau et al., 2022 [46] |
Retrospective study |
AudaxCeph®’s automatic tracing software. |
The difference between AudaxCeph®’s automatic tracing and a semi-automated approach by human examiners using the same software. |
AudaxCeph® was a reliable resource for clinicians in analyzing orthodontic cases, even if there were unreliable points, such as Porion, Orbitale, U1 apex, and L1 apex. |
Mostafa El-Dawlatly et al., 2023 [47] |
Retrospective study |
WebCeph software and OnyxCeph software. |
Lateral cephalometric radiographs were evaluated. |
Fewer differences were obtained with the modified WebCeph software method than with the OnyxCeph method. |
Pamir Meriç et al., 2020 [49] |
Retrospective study |
Dolphin Imaging® 13.01, app-aided tracing using the CephNinja 3.51 app, and fully automated web-based tracing with CephX. |
Three methods were used to execute cephalometric measurements: Dolphin Imaging® 13.01, app-aided tracing using the CephNinja 3.51 app, and fully automated web-based tracing with CephX. |
Manual correction of CephX landmarks gave similar outcomes to digital tracings using CephNinja and Dolphin®. |