Figure 1.
Label-free DIA-SWATH analysis of macrophage-like cell proteome after infection with different strains of M. tuberculosis at 18 h of infection. Host cells were harvested and subjected to LC-MS/MS analysis following protein extraction and trypsin digestion. Left panel: The number of differentially expressed proteins detected in each dataset. The differentially expressed proteins were grouped into common virulent proteins, if they were shared between any of the three virulent strains (H37Rv, BND433, and JAL2287), and unique unshared proteins, if they were not shared among them. Right panel: Unsupervised hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis of the protein profiling of THP1 cells. Volcano plots with up- and down-regulated proteins (up/down ratio in parentheses) for each dataset are also shown. Con: control; Ra: H37Ra; Rv: H37Rv; BND: BND433; JAL: JAL2287.