Mechanical compression induces Rcs activation. (A) Model for bacteriophage persistence. (B) Mean persistence frequency for wild-type E. coli and two isogenic mutants that do not express capsule (Δwza) and overexpress capsule (rcsC137). Error bars indicate ±1 SEM across three technical replicates. ∅: no persistent colonies observed. ***: P < 0.001. (C) Population-averaged number of virions bound per cell versus time for cells that developed into persisters and cells that did not, during bacteriophage perfusion. Confidence intervals indicate ±1 SD across n = 10 cells. (Inset) Micrograph of two E. coli cells each with two bacteriophage T7 virions bound to them. (D) Population-averaged single-cell fluorescence versus time and perfusion chamber height for E. coli cells harboring a transcriptional reporter for Rcs activity. Confidence intervals indicate ±1 SD across n = 231,627,533,312,480,329 cells at each respective height. (E) Population-averaged single-cell induction rate of the reporter for Rcs activity versus perfusion chamber height, calculated from data shown in (D). Error bars indicate ±1 SD across n = 231,627,533,312,480,329 cells at each respective height.