Figure 2.
Induction of HBV-specific immune responses in AAV-HBV mice sequentially treated with GalNAc-siRNA and therapeutic vaccine. IHL from day 70 (1 week after second vaccination) (A) and from day 154 (7 weeks after last vaccination). (B) were stimulated directly ex vivo in IFN-g ELISpot plates with Core, Pol or surface peptide pools. Results are presented on the y-axis as spot-forming cells (SFC) per million of IHL, and the DMSO background is subtracted. Each dot or triangle is the mean of 3 replicates for each mouse. The horizontal line represents the median within one group. Black circles: GalNAc-HBV siRNA and TxVx; black triangles: GalNAc-HBV siRNA and mock vaccine; grey circle: GalNAc-control siRNA and TxVx; grey triangles: GalNAc-control siRNA and mock vaccine. p values are represented and calculated by Tukey’s multiple comparison test, ns means not significant.