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. 2023 Dec 20;10(1):e001714. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001714

Table 1.

Participant characteristics grouped by alpha globin genotype

HBA genotype
All participants -a/-a -a/aa aa/aa aa/aaa P value†
No. participants* 643 30 (4.7%) 197 (30.6%) 408 (63%) 8 (1.2%)
Male sex, no. (%) 222 (35) 12 (40) 66 (34) 142 (35) 4 (50) 0.678
Age, years 20 (19, 22) 20 (19, 22) 20 (19, 22) 20 (19, 22) 19 (19, 24) 0.833
Mean FeNO‡,ppb 20 (13, 31) 25 (18, 39) 20 (12, 27) 20 (13, 32) 37 (9, 52) 0.107
Total IgE, IU/mL 58 (22, 160) 28 (16, 96) 66 (25, 176) 57 (21, 158) 36 (24, 46) 0.125
Body mass index, kg/m2 27 (24, 32) 28 (26, 33) 27 (23, 33) 26 (23, 32) 27 (25, 34) 0.778
Height, inches 168 (162, 175) 170 (161, 177) 168 (163, 173) 168 (162, 175) 168 (163, 176) 0.961
Weight, kilograms 77 (65, 92) 81 (69, 93) 77 (67, 93) 76 (65, 91) 85 (74, 101) 0.716
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 117 (109, 124) 117 (108, 130) 117 (110, 123) 117 (109, 125) 127 (126, 133) 0.242
Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg 68 (63, 74) 68 (63, 73) 67 (62, 74) 68 (63, 75) 79 (70, 85) 0.703
Mean arterial pressure, mm Hg 84 (79, 90) 85 (80, 88) 82 (79, 89) 84 (80, 91) 99 (91, 100) 0.352

Values are median (25th, 75th percentile) except where otherwise indicated.

*P values calculated for differences between groups by Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric analysis of variance and for categorical variables p values were calculated as percentages within each category and differences were assessed by Fischer’s exact test.

†Total number of participants (n=643). Missing data are as follows: sex (n=2, <1%); age (n=13, 2%); mean FeNO (n=4, <1%); total IgE (n=25, 3.8%}; body mass index and weight (n=4, <1%); systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure (n=292, 45.4%).

‡Mean FeNO levels measured according to ATS recommendations (reported here as median (25th, 75th percentile) of the mean recorded FeNO).

FeNO, fractional exhaled nitric oxide; IgE, Immunoglobulin E; IU, international unit; MAP, mean arterial pressure; mL, millilitre; mm Hg, millimetres of mercury; No, number; ppb, parts per billion.